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Anglais littérature Cned devoir n°2

Dissertation : Anglais littérature Cned devoir n°2. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  11 Juin 2019  •  Dissertation  •  444 Mots (2 Pages)  •  502 Vues

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Commencez à saisir votre devoir ci-dessous :


  1.  the text is a first-person narrative

  1. the character who is also the narrator is cont dracula
  1.  He came from london.
  1. the scene set in the evening
  1. the scene set in a castle in transylvania
  1. the cont is the owner
  1. the owner of the property is a master


  1. Jonathan harker woke up

  1. he put his clothes on
  1. he went dow into the dining-room
  1. he ate his breakfast
  1. he went into the library
  1. he looked at the books
  1. the Count entered
  1. they talked together


  1. False. The count have a lot of rare and precious furniture “the table service is of gold”


  1.  False “but still in none of the rooms is there a mirror.”

  1.  False.”i looked for a bell, so that i might let the servants know i had finished but i coul not find one”

  1.  false. “In the library I found, to my great delight, a vast number of English books, whole shelves full of them,”
  1.  False. “the books were the most varied kind”
  1.  True. “A table in the centre was littered with English magazines and newspapers, though none of them were of very recent date.”


  1.   False. “ you may go anywhere you wish in the castle, except where the doors are locked.”

  1.  False. (Talking about English books) “These companions have been good friends to me, and for some years past, ever since i had the idea of going to London.”

  1.  True, “to tell me all about my new estate in London.”
  1. True, “to tell me all about my new estate in London.”


  1. According to Harker, Dracula “ speak english thoroughly!”

  1.  According to Dracula say that he know the grammar and the words but not how to speak them.
  1.  He learn English througt books.
  1.  “Men know him not, and to know not is to care not for.”
  1. The cont wants Harker to help him with his prononciation of his english and to tell him all about his new estate.


  1. The “D” is for Dracula.


  1. The “mine” is for the door of his room where he slept.


  1. It’s a figure of speech, like that he says that he is thankfull for them because he pass a lot of time reading them and with the books he learned english.


  1. He is talking about the rest of the people.


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