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Alice in Wonderland, chapitre 9

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Alice in Wonderland – Chapter 9

1-Vocabulary and summary:


tucked : rentrer (sa chemise)

perhaps : peut-être (soutenu)

temper : humeur

pepper : poivre

hopeful : plein d'espoir

kind : genre (qqc)

stingy : radin

startled : surpris

ventured : osé

to whisper : chuchoter

doubtful : douteux

pray : prier

quarelling : dispute

custody : détention provisisoire

mock turtle : simili-tortue ou fausse tortue

gryphon : griffon

sorrow : chagrin

sobbing : sanglotant

day to day : quotidien / au jour le jour

eagerly : ardemment

More vocabulary:

sour : acide

barley sugar : sucre d'orge

chin : menton

flamingo : flamant

sharply : fortement / nettement

rubled : frotté

a fun : une farce

hollow : creux

ashamed : honte / honteux

washing : blanchissage

bill : projet de loi

beautify : embellir

simpleton : niais(e)

fainting : évanouissement

stiff : rigide

paws : pattes


 After that the Cheshire Cat had disappeared Alice and the duchess started walking. While they walked, the duchess explain to Alice that "everything's go a moral, if only you can find it". During their walk, they ran into the Queen, who immediately ordered the duchess off. She then asked Alice to resume the croquet game.

During the game, the Quenn narrows the game to the king, herself and Alice by sending off the other players. Since they were no soldiers left to act as arches, the Queen, ended he game. The Queen then decided, that Alice should visit the Mock Turtle to hear his story. The Queen brought Alice to a gryphon so it could take her to see the Mock Turtle. When arrived, the Mock Turtle was looking sad, the gryphon explained that he was always sad. Between the constant sobbing, the Mock turtle explained that he used to be a real turtle. He also explained that he went to sea school every day. He went on talking about the unusual lessons he had been taught. Alice then asked how long the lesson lasted. The Mock Turtle replied that they lasted 10 hours the first day, and that they became shorter with each passing day. He also explained that, that is why they are called lessons because they lessen. When Alice asked what happened when there was no time left, the gryphon immediately changed the subject to the gamme.


Mock Turtle:

The Mock Turtle has the head of a calf, the feet of a pig, the tail of a cow and the body of a turtle. It is not evident whether the mock turtle is a male or a female: it is always referred to as the mock turtle. It is sad because it no longer has its complete body as it should e. It sighs a lot, and gets angry when Alice interrupts it. The Mock Turtle tells it story very slowly typically as a turtle would. Its story is about its childhood at sea school, its character is personified. The turtle is considered a symbol of longevity, thus its shell contains all its whisdom and knowledge. Homewer, when human started to understand the mechanics of the universe, the naivety of its ancestors. This second aspect of the turtle is perfectly conveyed in Alice in Wonderland.


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