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Acte 1 de Eugene Ioneso sur sa pièce "rhinoceros "

Commentaire d'oeuvre : Acte 1 de Eugene Ioneso sur sa pièce "rhinoceros ". Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Avril 2013  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  577 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 267 Vues

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aide pour l'acte 1 de eugene ioneso sur sa scene "rhinoceros " , quels sont les differences physRead the text . Identify who the pronouns refer to . Give the names of characters and their relationships. " she told " l.1 , " he turned " l.2 , " i saw her " l.6 , " both of us " l. 13 .

2. from the contxt , guess the meaning of " cheat on " ( l.6 ) and " crumple " ( l.13 ) . Explain what these acts reveal about the character's feelings.

3. Choose the best title for this extract . Justify with quotations .

a. a desperate request from a desperate woman .

b. routine medical check-up

c. doctor-patient love affair.

Sylvie , a middle-aged woman , pays a visit to her doctor , asking for a particular service .

" i need an EKG " she told John as they entered his office . He turned to look at her with concern . " Are you having chest pains ? Is this an emergency ? "

" Yes , I need an emergency face-lift . And liposuction "

" A face-lift Why ? He took her hand . " Sylvie , what's wrong ? "

" Everything. Bob's cheating on me . And I saw her . She looks just like me , but younger . Just like me , but no crow's-feet . Juste like me , but without the second chin "

Hohn sat down heavily in his desk chair and steepled his fingers . ' I'm very sorry , Sylvie "

Sylvie nodded . "I'm not even going to ask if you knew about how Bob was spending his free time . You're too good a friend to both of us to have to take sides " . She crumpled into the chir facing John and allowed one tearr to slide out of her eye . John got up from his desk , moved to Sylvie , and was about to take her into his arms when she felt him hesitate, just for a seconde . Sylvie knew about John's deep feelings for her , and it was a comfort . John may have wanted to put his arms around her , but he only touched her in a doctorly way.

" Age just crept up on me , John . I wasn't watching . I didn't know I looked so bad "

" Are you insane ? You need a psychiatrist , not a plastic surgeon . Are you blaming yourself for Bob's behaviour ? You are an attractive , vital woman "

" Last time I was here you told me I had to lose ten pounds "

Sylvie interrupted.

" Well, I didn't see it , I was just going by the chats " , John protested . " To me , you'll always be my prom date . Hey , i'm still upset you didn't accept my proposal " .

Sylvie walked to the window and looked out on the quiet street " . I couldn't . You were science . Bob was music , and I wanted to play I tought Bob and I would play together " She paused " We didn't . What's happened ? " She moved back to John , put her head on his shoulder , and began to cry again. iques et morales et leurs differentes comedies


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