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East West Street

Étude de cas : East West Street. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

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East West Street

Benhassine Nouha 2nde6

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Philippe Sands is the author of East West Street, he was born in 1960. He is an a British and French lawyer. He wrote this book by his own researches in Lviv, a Ukrainian city. This book has been awarded a lot’s of prizes, including the 2016 Baillie Gifford Prize for Non-Fiction.

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Biographies :

Raphael Lemkin : He is a Polish Jewish lawyer. He was born on the 24th of June in 1900, in Azyaryska, in the current Belarus. Raphael Lemkin created in 1943 the term and concept of genocide and promoted it first at Nuremberg trial and then at the UN in 1948. Raphael Lemkin lived in the first ten years of his life on a farm in a place called Azyaryska, and was raised in a Jewish family of three children by his parents, Joseph Lemkin and Bella Pomerantz. His mother is a reader, painter, linguist and philosopher and his father is a peasant. Under the influence of his mother, at the age of 14, Raphael was able to speak in nine or ten foreign languages. Mobilized in 1939, when Poland was invaded by Nazi, he defended Warsaw. He opposes the lawyer Hersh Lauterpacht, who personally rejects the idea of genocide developed by Lemkin in favour of that of a crime against humanity. He died of a heart attack in New York on 28th August 1959.

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Leon Busholz : Leon Buchholz is the grandfather of Philippe Sands. Leon’s birth certificate confirms that he was born on the 10th of May 1904 in Lemberg. He is the son of Pinkas (translated as Philip) and Ameli/Malke Buchholz, his siblings are Emil (the eldest), Gusta (4 years younger than the latter), and Laura, the youngest. Emil was killed during the World War I, just after its outbreak in September 1914. After the moving of Gusta to Vienna in 1913, Malke took Laura and Leon there, where the latter attended primary and secondary school. Leon is described as  being quite tall, bespectacled, and svelt. He went to Vienna 1914, Paris. He had had a close relationship with his friend Max Gruber there.

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Rita Buchholz : Rita Buchholz is Leon’s wife. He married her within the first year he knew her: she appeared out of nowhere. When Leon flew to Vienna, Rita stayed in Lwow with her mother and Malke. Finally, she reunited with her family in Paris.Leon and herself, had two children: Ruth and Jean-Pierre.

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Hersch Lauterpacht : He was born on 16th August 1897 in Zolkiev (Austria-Hungary), is a reputed British international lawyer and adviser to the Nuremberg Trial, where he imposes the concept of crimes against humanity. The region where he was born was marked by numerous ethnic massacres and finally the annihilation of the Jewish population, when the Reichsleiter Hans Frank, lawyer and Nazi from the beginning, took over as head of the General Government of Poland, where many extermination camps were established. On July the 1st, Jackson met with Hersch Lauterpacht in London to help him solve the theorical problems of establishing the terms of the charge. The idea of “crimes against gumanity is present in the prosecution case. The conflict between jews Lauterpacht and Lemkin marked Allied work on regarding the meaning of the supranational crimes and their punishment. He passed away in London on the eighth of May in 1960.


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