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Êtes-vous pour ou contre la punition physique? (document en anglais)

Commentaire d'arrêt : Êtes-vous pour ou contre la punition physique? (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Janvier 2015  •  Commentaire d'arrêt  •  292 Mots (2 Pages)  •  667 Vues

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Are you in favour or against physical punishment?

I think children who suffer physical punishment tend to be more aggressive toward their parents, siblings, friends and, later, their spouse. Physical violence is in any case a way of exercising parental authority, much less the cries and threats.

Indeed, the child takes responsibility struck little regard for his behavior and generally adopts the role of victim in relation to the "parent persecutor. »

In addition, strokes often result in children anger that attempt to repress and which is likely to push for revenge or externalize it elsewhere on his little brother for example.

Furthermore, the use of physical force may open the door wide to an escalation of violence.

However, if one considers that downtime is necessary so that the child calms down and agrees to cooperate, it may impose, having a firm and respectful attitude, a withdrawal on a chair in his room or in a calm and reassuring place.

Finally, I think that parents who fail to impose such limits or have a particularly difficult child should consult a professional who will analyze the situation with them and offer them strategies without using violence.

Translate the first two paragraphs in French

Les parents devraient être interdits de claquer des enfants, le commissaire aux enfants pour l'Angleterre l’a dit.

Maggie Atkinson a dit que c'était son point de vue personnel que la loi actuelle donne les animaux et les adultes de plus de droits à être protégées de la violence que les enfants.

Selon la législation actuelle les parents peuvent frapper un enfant si elle constitue un «châtiment raisonnable» et ne pas laisser une marque sérieuse.


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