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Étude du film Billy Elliot de Stephen Daldry (document en anglais)

Commentaires Composés : Étude du film Billy Elliot de Stephen Daldry (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Décembre 2014  •  485 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 139 Vues

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Today, i will tell you about another movie we watched in class. This is Billy Elliot, maybe you already know this movie because it's very famous. This movie was released in the UK in 2000. It was directed by Stephen Daldry. It received a lot of awards during the British Independent Film Awards 2000, the Motovun Film Festival 2000, the British Academy of Film and Television Arts 2001, the London Critics Circle Film Awards and the Amanda Awards. The cast is composed of famous actors such Jamie Bell as Billy Elliot, Julie Walters as Mrs Wilkinson, Gary Lewis as Billy's father and Jamie Draven as Billy's brother.

This movie tells the story of Billy Elliot. He's an eleven years old kid who practices boxing for his father because he thinks that his success in this sport will help the family to get through this deadlock. Indeed, Billy Elliot's father and brother are minors and they are on strike. However Billy is not very interesting in boxing, he prefers dance ballet. That's why, someday, when he goes to give the key of the gymnasium to the dance teacher, he stays at the door to look the lesson. He loves that so much that he decides to take lessons and hiding his secret to his dad. His teacher, Mrs Wilkinson discovers a big talent in Billy and she believes in him. She wants to Billy auditioned for a famous school to improve his level in dance ballet, but in the same time his father discovers Billy's secret and becomes angry. He is against Billy to practice this sport because for him it's "only for the ladies", but Billy's grandmother is totally with him because when she was young she could be a professional dancer. Will Billy succeed to convince his father to practice this sport? To auditioned for the school? (Moreover the school is situated in London and they don't have so much money). Will Mrs Wilkinson keeps to help Billy? Will she try to convince Billy's father? I know you want to know all these answers, so I think you should take a coat, put your shoes and run to the DVD's stores the nearest of your home and get Billy Elliot, you won't be disappointed.

I really appreciated to watch this movie because i find it very interesting. Indeed, it's really important in our society to show that there are not sport only for the men and only for the women. Billy proves to everyone that a boy can practice dance ballet and succeed in it. He also proves that the dancers are not obviously gay, he wants to get off the prejudices. He overcomes the difficulties to follow his dream even if he has to get conflicts with his family, he is determined to be a dancer and he will. I love these ideas.

I recommend you this movie, really.


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