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Étude de la série Docteur Who de Sydney Newman et Donald Wilson (document en anglais)

Rapports de Stage : Étude de la série Docteur Who de Sydney Newman et Donald Wilson (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  31 Mai 2015  •  518 Mots (3 Pages)  •  648 Vues

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Doctor Who is a British science fiction TV show created by Sydney Newman and Donald Wilson. Doctor Who is aired on BBC ONE since November the 23rd 1963. The story is based on an extraterrestrial “The Doctor” with a human appearance who travels through time. He’s the last survivor of his race: The time lords. His planet Gallifrey was destroyed during the Time’s war against the Daleks.

The Doctor travels on board of The TARDIS . It’s a machine for traveling through time. It’s seems like a blue British police box but if you go inside it’s seem much bigger. The TARDIS is alive and connected to the Doctor. The Doctor is a crazy and funny character. He’s many centuries old. He’s the saviour of humanity. He can’t die because he can regenerate himself and thus changes his appearance and personality. The only way to kill him is during his regeneration process.

But the Doctor is always with a companion, a human, a British person. The Doctor is a big fan of London and of the United Kingdom. When he’s with his friends it becomes difficult to kill him during the regeneration.

The Doctor has so many enemies. Daleks, Cybermen and Crying angels are the main enemies that the Doctor meets over and over while he's travelling time.

Daleks are mutants from the planet Skaro. They’re never leaving their armours. They’re a powerful race only dreaming of conquests and universal domination. Without mercy, they don’t know compassion or remorse. All of their emotions have been erased except hate. They’re also collectively the last time lord's greatest enemies.

Cybermen are humanoids who have been upgraded by cybernetic techniques. It doesn't remain anything from them except a few parts of their original organic members.

Crying Angels feed with their victims' life, by transfering them in the past and using the energy of their life. They turn into a statue when they’re being watched. They can’t look at other crying angels' eyes without being freezed forever as a penalty. The best way to escape from them is to never turn eyes off of them and to never blink when looking at them.

The Doctor is an unusual hero and British for sure. He’s an eccentric character, smart and minded. He's a no violent hero, who uses his mind, and who occasionally reminds to the viewers that there’s no better weapon than a book.

Doctor Who is a Tv show that everyone can enjoy. If it could have lasted so long, it is thanks to the regeneration of the hero. The Doctor regularly changes his skin. Twelve actors have played the Doctor since the beginning. It’s a power which allows to refresh the Tv show and keep the interest of the audience.

It’s not just a Tv show anymore; it’s a cultural phenomenon, with novels, audio books, magazines, games, mass of merchandising, that never stopped, even during the 90s. This use of the brand Doctor Who in addition to the TV show will make it live much longer after it’s ending… and will enable him for sure to come back again and again!


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