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You Can Ilve In Very Different Ways

Compte Rendu : You Can Ilve In Very Different Ways. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Janvier 2013  •  224 Mots (1 Pages)  •  1 092 Vues

You can live in very different ways. Some people prefer to stay at home and some others prefer to travel and discover the world. The question of this essay is “Explorer or stay-at-home? What kind of life has the most advantages and why?” In a first time I’ll examine the advantages of a life of explorer, then the advantages of a stay-at-home’s one and finally I’ll give my point of view.

A_ In a life of explorer, you discover several countries and their way of life.

Example : If you travel to Kenya, you discover the customs and the local dialect.

B_ In a life of stay-at-home, you can stay with your family and your friends.

Example : If you stay at home or just in your country, you cannot be homesick, because you can communicate with your nearest.

C_ To my mind, it’s the life of explorer which has the most advantages.

Example: If I’ve the choice between to go in Russia and to stay at home to see my friends, I prefer to go to Russia.

To conclude, I think that both kind of life have as advantages as each other, because when you travel, you discover a lot of things but if you stay at home, you see your nearest. And do you think going on a gap year thanks to an association is a good choice?


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