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Work Hard

Commentaires Composés : Work Hard. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Janvier 2014  •  308 Mots (2 Pages)  •  781 Vues

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Do you think employers should look at your Web profile before hiring you?

I don’t think employers should look the web profile of employee before hiring because it’s a private life of someone. Employer should’nt base on social network or blog of employee to able to judge the future employee because it’s doesn’t show the truth capacity of future employee. Every Employe has to show its ability and to be judged on the work that made in the company.

If employee knows while employer can look his web profile, he cans turn that in his advantage for the post. For example on his profile, he cans valorize the company or to have a good words on this one.



I think internet is more useful than phone, because is easier to communicate around the world wide.

We can use internet to send e-mail easily, even call in different countries cheaper when we use a phone. With internet we can organize a meeting via skype, and different social network. And it’s hard to do that with a phone. I don’t say the phone is useless but it hasn’t the same options than internet. Plus we can have internet on our phone:

- You can receive some informations in the right time

- we don’t need to find a computer to have internet access

105 mots


To be more people-friendly, the companies can hire more employees and to have more employees who can answer efficiently to customer’s questions.

Less waiting and the phone because the customers waste them time and loose more money.

In general the number of the companies there aren’t free so everybody can‘t to call them in spite of they got a problem. The personnel should to be more involve by the situation of customers. They should be taking the place of them, to understand their problems


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