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Wood ice-cream

Fiche : Wood ice-cream. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Novembre 2020  •  Fiche  •  426 Mots (2 Pages)  •  435 Vues

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Oral anglais


Wood is a basic necessity material, renewable, and which has served us throughout the centuries (such as weapons, boat hulls, and toys). Currently, I think it’s time to modernize the use of wood and its products. This is the reason why I decided to present an amazing product made from wood: the wood ice-cream. I discovered this use when I watched the top chef TV show (…due to I love cooking)

However, we can ask the question: what is the process to make an ice cream with wood?

Well, it's not complicated, first of all I will explain in detail the recipe, secondly I will explain which trees and which parts of tree are used to make this product. Then, I'll talk about how it looks, and how to replace the wood in the ice-cream. Let’s go!


To begin, I will list the necessary ingredients


• 200 (Two hundred) milliliters of milk

• 125 (One hundred twenty-five) milliliters of fresh cream

• 3 (tree) egg yolks

• 70 (Seventy) grams of sugar

• 50 (fifty) grams of oak wood chips

the steps

First step:  The day before, bring the milk to a boil with the oak wood chips and leave to infuse for 12 hours covered in the fridge.

Second step: Filter the oak-infused milk and bring it to the boil with the cream. Whisk the egg yolks with the sugar. Transfer the hot milk-cream to the blanched yolks then put everything back in the pan and cook over low heat while mixing with a spatula. Leave to cool before pouring in an ice turbine.

Third step: Once the ice has set in the ice cream maker, pour the ice into the mold. Place in the freezer overnight.

What kind of trees it comes from?

Currently comes fruit trees (apple, cherry) or oak who is recognized to bring an aroma of caramel and vanilla (in wine in particular). So, branches and the tree trunk are used for the manufacture of wood chips

The aspect of the product:

Indeed, when we see the product, we don’t imagine that it’s produced with a tree, because it’s an ice cream!

And without tree?

Without tree, the product would remain the same, only the color will change according to the ingredients that we will use. Consequently, the taste would be different, because you can substitute it with another product, such as strawberry, vanilla, chocolate, pistachio and many more.


As a conclusion, I learned that wood can be used for many things, sometimes very surprising, such as ice-cream! I think that wood will always serve us in life, it’s a noble material with multiple uses, I like it!


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