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Women's rights

Discours : Women's rights. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  6 Mai 2021  •  Discours  •  355 Mots (2 Pages)  •  360 Vues

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Speeche – Women's rights

Ladies and gentlemen,

Equality between men and women, it's for when? Despite Women's Day, despite all the fine speeches, despite our best efforts, equality is far from being achieved.

So today I would like to speak, so that everyone here understands the importance of gender equality.

As a woman, I have the right to have the same salary as men.

As a woman, I have the right to have respect.

As a woman, I have the right to be equal to men.

We are all humans. one does not go without the other. So why are there so many inequalities?

I would like to have time to list them all. However, I will just tell you about the situation in South Korea.

The country is marked by strong discrimination. the place of women is an essential issue. South Korea is conservative so progress is slow. Indeed, sexism and prejudices against women are extremely present in the society.

Over there a woman who does not wear makeup, is considered improper. Beautiful, intelligent, calm, polite... 

And yes, women have to be perfect in order to be successful. They are on average paid 37% less than a man (according to the OECD). Abortion is prohibited. An association was even created by men who thought that their privileges were gradually taken away to give them to women. And I don't even tell you about sexual assault.

The woman has an inferior place to the man. Whether in Korea, France and many countries.

My greatest wish is to make things change. Even just a little. I hope to see a better world. I hope that gender equality evolves through the next generations. We can do it !

We must act now. Starting with education. We have to raise our daughters like our sons. To instill values from an early age, especially gender equality. So I call on all parents not to make a difference on this point. We should set up pedagogical days in schools to teach living together. And finally, we have to talk about it. We women have been in the shadows far too long.

Thank you for your intention and have a good day.


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