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Walter Mitty On An Evening Out With His Friend

Commentaires Composés : Walter Mitty On An Evening Out With His Friend. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Avril 2015  •  594 Mots (3 Pages)  •  847 Vues

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Target at 3 o'clock shouted the commander, Mitty acknowledged this and began to turn the tank destroyer. The Jagdpanther was armed with a long barreled 8.8cm gun that had 200mm of penetration at a range of 100m.It had 80mm of frontal slopped armor and could reach up to speeds of 29 miles per hour. When the enemy M4 Sherman saw that Walter was turning the machine around, it’s first reaction was to find a hiding spot. But it was already too late, the gunner quickly and aptly ripped a shell from the rack with all of his strength and jammed it into the main gun. Whaam! Boom! The shell had gone straight through the other tank as noted by the crew and then the ammo rack blew up, the crew merrily watched the turret fly into the sky. But there was no time to celebrate because an M2 abrams appeared from their side. The crew was shocked in horrifying awe when they saw this. The radioman whined uncontrolably but the gunner slapped him and walter did everything he could to turn the tank. Just when the combatant was about to fire he heard...

“Walter! Are you mad? You nearly crashed into someone while going at 30 miles per hour” shouted Fergson his anoying freind. He then followed it up with a rant: “I should’ve have sent you to an asylum”. Our protagonist did not like this remark and mumbled in desperation: “ Go shove your comments where the sun doesn’t shine”. But he was left unheard. He then gently pulled into the car park stopped the car. Ferg said with a bossy tone“Don’t forget to pick up my Central processing unit”. After having left the car his mate went off to another store while he slowly walked down the center and went to the IT shop.

Walter told the dealer that he was prepared to give him 150$ for each unit.”Thats too cheap, I’ll take 400 and not a penny less, I almost died smugling these inland” rambled the silthoute. Mitty couldn’t really see him as he was hiding in the dark but he could tell that he was in dark blue since his shadow didn’t stand out, and it was also observed that he was wearing a bowler and a large trench coat. The commodity he was selling was a shipment of Intel core I3s which were robust rather old most of them were only dual cores with 2.4 gigahertz. Our main character humbly disagreed and responded like so:“ These are I3s that are already outdated, the very most you will get from me is 200 dollars a pop”. The dark figure asked if he had the money and insisted on seeing it. They agreed on showing both the cash and the product at the same time to ensure that no ruses were in place. “Well then, Seeing as you have the cash i might aswell take it from your cold dead body!” uttered the unknown villain. A firefight broke and Mitty’s men were outgunned and outnumbered, they slowly died off, one after the other while Walter was blinding firing from cover he thought that he at least picked off two of the scum. Suddenly he heared one of his last remaining men.

“Sir, are you going to pay for this or not?.... Sir?”asked the shopkeeper. But he was getting nervous because his customer seemed to be zoned out. “Oh, I’m sorry about that , I tend to zone out alot”. He gratefully hands the 150 dollars over because of the discount he recived.


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