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Viol En Inde

Mémoires Gratuits : Viol En Inde. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Mai 2013  •  332 Mots (2 Pages)  •  875 Vues

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Photograph: Altaf Qadri/AP

This article is from The Guardian, which is an English newspaper. It was written by Maseeh Rahman on Thursday 21 February 2013.

This article talks about another rape in India. Three little girls aged five, nine and eleven had been raped and killed on their way home from school. Their mother and their grandfather had report their missing to the police but they didn’t do anything to find them. In India the police are quite lazy. They don’t do anything to improve the situation of women in the country. Too much women are being raped and murdered or even abused therefore India is one of the most dangerous countries for women and in this article we can show that it is not only on women but even on little girls.

In the article, we can see that the mother reproach to the police that if they had act immediately, the girls could have been found alive. That’s the reason why people had rioted and blocked the national highway demanding a proper investigation. In December, a woman was brutally raped in a moving Delhi bus and the population had also protested and it has forced the government to promise better policing and faster legal actions to protect women from violence they live with.

In the picture of the article, we can see women who arrived near the Indian Parliament in Dehli to protest against sexual violence. Some of them came with their children probably to interpellate the authority. They were many to come to protest for the unfairness they suffer forever.

India is a developing country and also a very poor one. The population protest for the women rights and the government began to sensitize the police on their role they have to protect women from violence they suffer. We have to remember that since recently women’s rights didn’t exist in India and it is an advance that women ask for their proper identity and liberty.


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