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Vatel Clefs D'or ENG

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Par   •  7 Octobre 2014  •  2 138 Mots (9 Pages)  •  777 Vues

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Environnement Hôtelier

Subject : L’homme aux Clefs d’or

Table of contents


I - What is the concierge service?

A- What is a concierge?

a) Definition in theory

b) The role in the hotel

B –what skills are required to be a good concierge?

a) Conditions required

b) Skills required becoming a good concierge

C - How to improve himself as a janitor?

a) Business plan

b) Formation and experiences

II- Concierge with golden keys

A- What is a concierge with golden key (history)?

B - Who is able to join the golden key?



The section of the keys of gold France regroup 435 members divided into 180 Luxury hotels. Golden keys men are for janitors, he is the first person that meets the client in some hotels. The flip side of his buttonhole (only if you are register in the association of the golden keys) is often adorned with two golden keys, emblem of the profession. These golden keys allow the client to locate the person able to provide him with the information, expectations he wants. The hotel concierge has a comforting role for the guest, he have to inform and advice to the client. Only members of the association of the Golden keys can wear these keys.

To join the keys gold association, a janitor must have worked at least 2 years at a hotel concierge position and be sponsored by two active members of the association. After an observation period of three years, a member may become an active member of the association. Name, logos, and the Golden keys worn by members are registered and protected by the association. A hotel doing more janitor part of the association following a resignation or a cancellation may continue to exercise his profession as a hotel concierge but is no longer allowed to wear the Golden keys to the back of his uniform.

Enter and stay in golden keys association is very difficult for a concierge because this is a lot of work, requirements, training, improve your knowledge…You should be motivate by your work and show it to your guests. Concierge is a profession to be always listening to the customer, confident. Your only reward is that the customer comes back and he was happy with his stay.

I - What is the concierge service?

A- What is a concierge?

a) Definition in theory

In hotels, the concierge is an employee which in principal functions are to welcome guests, inform, and advise clients, especially in luxury hotels because guests are very regarding on the quality of the services . The concierge is one of the pillars of the hotel. This is a post difficult and demanding, the concierge is the first person who welcomes guests when they cross the door of a luxury hotel. It starts the morning to night. The concierge has a difficult schedule.

b) The role in the hotel

The concierge ensures the reception of customer and when they leave the hotel, advises on the conditions of his stay, give some tips to the clients in the hotel or outside. He gives the keys of the rooms, transmits messages, control deposits of keys, manage the reception and the carriage of luggage. The principal mission of the concierge is to be informed on everything happened in the hotel and makes better the stay of the guest. Moreover he knows the tastes and habits of customers enable it to provide a highly personalized service with a good quality to make it more pleasant for the client.

Should all desire is fulfilled and any problems resolved. It must also respond to all customer demand (even the most unexpected) and success in.

The concierge welcomes and supports all the clients (leisure, businessmen, VIP, family), before, during and after their stay. He is at the disposal of the client and offers to take over all the hardware details of her stay to allow to the client to think about other things than material demands. He is in relation with all the departments of the hotel (Direction, reception, housekeeping, technical service, security, treasury, restaurant, bar, room service, mini-bar, parking...).

He tries to ensure the customer maximum comfort and to put at ease in a foreign environment. He is the link between the client of the hotel, the services of the hotel and external providers (travel agencies, booking of theatre seats, cultural events, businesses, administrations, car rentals…). . Can advise for purchases, some hobbies. There are grooms for missions outside the hotel for the hotel who help a lot the concierge. Since the intensification of the use of electronic mail, the job evolved with the massive sending of messages to the front office, from customers who want to plan their stay long in advance. It permits to the concierge planning customized stays with the habits, culture, and religion of the clients.

By the quality of its services, he promotes his profession. His objectives is also to promote luxury hotel, his town, his region, his country where participation in activities (shows, seminars). It can works alone or in a team, also occupy a hierarchical position of coaching. The concierge manager is responsible for all the staff of the lobby (grooms, valets, porters, etc…) and employees of the lodge, whose main titles are: Deputy Assistant Chief Concierge, Chef-concierge, first Concierge, Chief-night concierge, night Concierge, etc…

B –what skills are required to be a good concierge?

a) Conditions required

Concierge of hotel is also easily accessible to men and women. This service is specifically dedicated to customer of the hotel the Concierge works standing at his desk (Concierge, loge, the concierge desk) or in the lobby but the 7/7 day, 24h/24h relationship with customer leads many comings and goings within the institution.


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