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Commentaire d'oeuvre : Vampires. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Avril 2015  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  440 Mots (2 Pages)  •  849 Vues

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Thème n°1 : Les Vampires


Hello, my name is ABASSI Charlène, i’m in TGA. I’m 17 years old, and today, i will present my first topic.

For my first topic, I'll talk about Vampirism.


« What is a vampire? How has his image changed over time? »

Announcement of the plan.

First I'll talk about vampire, how does one become a vampire, how to destroy a vampire how to become a vampire, transformation. Then I would tell the evolution of vampires in movies, literature. Finally I give you my point of view, why I chose vampires and what push me to take

Axis 1 : Definition du Vampire

The vampire is a legendary creature, next various folklores and as the most common superstition, The undead feed on the blood of the living in order to learn it's vital force.

Vampirism is often presented as the result of a curse, and the vampire may choose to forward it when it bites a person, follow thetransformation, more or less long and paintful, of the victim. One og the fisrt signs being the elongation of caninesAnother method : "Echange of blood". Vampire bites its victim and drink his blood to affaiblisement before notching the forearm to be bled and slidehis blood in the mouth of the victim who then undergoes a slow and paintful transformation.

The means to destroy the vampire are numerous and varied, the Vampire is undead, he is already dead and can not know the eternal rest that means special practices, including a stake in the heart, a nail in the head, decapitation or a cremation

Axis 2 : Evolution du Vampire

The vampire was popularized in Europe in the early 18th century. Around 1725, the word "vampire" appears in the legends Arnold Paole and Petar Blagojevich, two Austrian soldiers during a war between the Austrian Empire and the Ottoman Empire, would have returned after their death under form of vampires to haunt villages and Medvegia.

The theme of the vampire has inspired poets and writers since 1748, the year in which Heinrich von Ossenfelder Augustine wrote Der Vampyr. In thousand seven hundred eighty-seven, a century before Bram Stoker, Goethe, the Bride of Corinth, in the form of metaphor addresses the state not death of a young woman eating blood.The first English text on the subject was the Vampyre by John Stagg in 1810. But the first person who called attention was Lord Ruthven, created by John William Polidori in 1819 in a long story called The Vampire.

Today's the day the vampire

Axis 3 :

I chose the topic of vampires because right now I'm watching a series, Vampire Diaries, and I love, that's what I was talking about pushing Vampirs


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