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Un passé véritable

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Cours du mardi 15 octobre 2013

Passé Présent Futur

I was beautiful

I was working when it started raining

I have been board for 5 min

I have been board since 5 min I'm singing

I'm working You will go home

I shall go home

I'll go home

I'm going to take the I o'clock train

You should go home

You would go home

Maintenant, j'essaie de parler anglais avec mon prof

Now, I am training I talk english with my teacher

Chaque jour, je prend le train pour aller à l'école

Every day, I take the train to go to school

Demain, j'enverrai un e-mail à mon ami

Tomorrow, I will send a mail to my friend

Tomorrow, I'm going send a mail to my friend

Vous devriez travailler à la maison pour réussir votre examen

You should work at home for passing your exam

Je fais du tennis depuis l'âge de 7 ans

I have been playing tennis since to age of 7

Je fais de la cuisine depuis 5 ans

I have been cooking for 5 years old

J'ai jouer au tennis pendant 5 ans

I played tennis for 5 years

J'écrivais une lettre lorsqu'il s'est mis a pleuvoir

I was written a letter when it started to rain

Cours du mercredi 16 octobre 2013

The future of work

The subject of this video is cyberspace in office work or office work in the future. Cyberspace is the use of computers by employees when they went to communicate with cyberspace. The important thing is to do work no matter where the work is done. This ABC video mentors two companies. The crayon company and IBM company. The IBM company is a large company with 350 thousand employees. In the computer company 35% of employees use cyberspace.

A CIO or managing director work in an office. You can see a computer, armchair, desk, telephone, beautiful furnitures. Il labour you can find conference rooms epuyped with of wifi equipement. With wifi it's possible to organise video conference from a bristed.


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