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This article was published in “Caterer and Hotel Keeper” Magazine from 29th of November 1996.

Commentaire d'oeuvre : This article was published in “Caterer and Hotel Keeper” Magazine from 29th of November 1996.. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

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This article was published in “Caterer and Hotel Keeper” Magazine from 29th of November 1996.

The article describes the difficulties that one has to overcome when preparing and waiting on the table on the luxury train Orient Express.

Chef Christian Bogdiel is the sole chef who doesn’t allow garlic to be served on the luxurious train. The reason for this is: the passengers who travel together for more than 41 hours don’t want to have an unpleasant smell.

A good organization is the key to success for the three restaurants which serve brunch, lunch and dinner, for 125-200 persons on the route Venice to London and back. Afternoon tea and breakfast are served in the compartments.

One has to pay a lot of money to enjoy the culinary art of the chef and the beauty of the landscapes.

The menu is conceived according to the season of the year, and it changes each week. The menu offers a choice of two starters and two mains.

The food is supplied from Paris: lobsters, langoustines, asparagus, artichoke, beef fillet. The person who is supplying is the Chef, who has no hesitation in rejecting the non-quality products.

His team has 1 sous-chef, 2 team leaders and 2 chef helpers, who work in two small rooms, in between the three restaurant wagons.

The chef has been taught at Saint Lazaire school, learning quality French cuisine. He inspires himself with new ideas in his journeys around the world, in Asia, Africa.

Luxury is something I can’t afford, such as a journey with Orient Express, or a Bugatti Veyron, or a house in Seychelles.

The image of the luxury is Versailles, but it is also a house built with state of the art building materials, and latest technology.

To me, to be able to do whatever I want, whenever I want, it’s a luxury.

And, nevertheless, the perception of the luxury is also a matter of civilization and period in time. Something that was a luxury a few decades ago, a car for example, now is commonplace. A few hundreds of years ago, to get education, to go to school was a luxury, now school is compulsory education.

For what is stands for from historical point of view, and for the services that it provides, I would like to take a journey by Orient Express, but this is just in theory.

Actually, I wouldn’t enjoy to take this trip, because it’s not my style, I couldn’t feel comfortable in this immovable atmosphere, in this old fashion train.

And, on top of that, I take into consideration the time element. This journey takes too much time, and I don’t have enough patience for it.

I believe many people take this journey out of snobbery, they want to show everybody that they have the money to afford it, and then to brag to their friends about

In this assignment, I’ll describe a video called “Corner Stores Help Clean UP Obesity”. This is a coverage made by CNA television from Philadelphia.

As already known, this town is famous for its food , and especially the unhealthy food. This is a significant factor in the increase of obesity.

To fight against this disease, there are common policies. These policies exist in theory, but some of them don’t work in practice.

It’s easy to the doctors to tell to their patients to eat healthy, to be more active, but it’s not so easy to put into practice. The consumer is surrounded by unhealthy food, which is cheaper and has a lot of publicity.

In this fight against obesity, a lot of people blame corner stores.

But corner stores are not all the same. The coverage shows to us one of these stores, which collaborates with Trust Food to fight together off unhealthy food.

 Before healthy food being brought forward, the children who were finishing classes, were coming by and buying chips, sugary drinks, and cakes.

These products are still on the shelves, but we can also find fresh products, fruit and vegetable. This is something that pleases both owners of the business and customers.

For the owners of the business, this is a profitable store, and by no means they spill money with these new products they promote.

There are hundreds of stores like this in Philadelphia. Their positive impact can already be seen: in the last two years the obesity rate dropped down by 5% among children and young persons age 5 to 18 years, compared to the rest of the country.

The Group doesn’t stop with the corner stores, they also teach the consumers how to cultivate and grow fruit and vegetable close to their homes. The consumers see the benefits of this, and they want to do the same in their communities.

For the Group this is a way to make things work. They want to apply this concept in other towns too, and they strongly believe that if they succeeded here, in Philadelphia, they can do it anywhere else.

a)  The Environment plays an important role in choosing the food. The family and its customs are very important, especially for children. The food that is served in schools should predominantly contain vegetable and fruit. The publicity, mostly the TV adverts, shape the way we eat. And last but not least, how expensive the food is plays an important role in our diet. In general the quality products and


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