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Theme D'anglais Malcom X

Dissertations Gratuits : Theme D'anglais Malcom X. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

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Malcom X  of  its  true  name  Malcom  Little  was born  on May 19th, 1925  in  Omaha.  It  was  oforigin Afro-American. Malcom X  was seen  as  amilitant  of  the  human rights  is  the  American black community,  but  for  some  he  was seen  as somebody  who  preach  racism and  the  black supremacism  and  violence .  Malcom  X  was provided education for  in  a  school  of  white community , it  declared  one  of  the  blacks  most integrated  into  the  white  community. 

Are  goal  be  to become  lawyer  after  having had his diploma,  but  its  professor  advised  to  him  to become  carpenter  because  it  was  black.  He refuses  what  its  professor  tells  him  and  tries  to change  his  physical appearance  into  clearing up his skin  and  straightening out  his  hair,but  despite everything  that it  is  a  failure.

 Then,  it connected  the  odd jobs.  In 1 942 ,  Malcolm belongs  Bostonian   to  the  underworld.  He  mustflee  Boston  with his  partner  of  the  time,  Sophia,a  white  young woman,  because of  a  competition with  a  leader  of  the  underworld  After  having left Boston ,  Malcolm  lives  some  time  in Michigan .And  then  it  moves  in  New York.  It  finds  even  a work  of  shoe shine  

It  falls  into  the  delinquency  and  takes  part  inactivities  of  resale  of  drug,  game  and  with burglings. 

Between  1943  and 1946, Malcolm travels between Boston  and  New York to three recoveries. He is stopped  with Strait  for burglingand  is put in  prison. 

.He  is condemned  to  ten  years of prison  he  will make  of  them  only  seven  in  the  prison of  State of  Massachusetts.  

In  prison,  Malcolm  gains  the  nickname  of“Satan”,  because of  his  hatred  for  the  religion  Malcolm  starts  tobe  famous  among  the prisoners,  whereas  it  remains  under the attentive  monitoring  of  the  authorities  which recognize  in  him  a  potential  source  of  disorder. 

On August 7th, 1952, Malcolm is finally released on word. 

Rather  quickly,  it  changes  its  family name f or“X”  Malcolm  explained  why  this  name represented  the  rejection  of  its  “name of slave”  in the absence of  his  true  name 

On January 14th, 1958,  Malcolm  marries  BettyX   in Lansing,  Michigan.  They  will have  six  girls  On February 21st, 1965, Malcolm X  makes  a  speech in the district from  Harlem,in New York,  in front of  an  audience of  four hundred  people,  of which  its  wife and  her children 

A  member  of  Black  Muslims  advances  towards him  with  a  sawed-off shot gun;  touched  to  the belly,  Malcolm X  fall  behind,  while two other people  draw  21  times  above  to  him  Malcolm X  is taken  along  to  the  hospital  or  it  dies before arriving there 


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