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The land of marvels

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Par   •  12 Avril 2015  •  965 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 464 Vues

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First, in text “The land of marvels”, immigrants were attracted to a land where job opportunities and better living conditions seemed to be available to anyone. However, the American Dream became a reality for very few of them, and many remained poverty-stricken and had to face appalling social conditions in America. Their dream was seldom fulfilled and they had to accept low wages and tough jobs to make a living there.

Henry Ford was a visionary industrialist who became a pioneer of mass production. He started to produce cars on a large scale and hired unskilled workers to work on the assembly line. He hired law-abiding workers who would be loyal, and willing to do tedious and menial jobs for a higher salary. He managed to standardize his output and benefitted from the Taylor Plan to enhance efficiency in his plants. He created a famous car, the Model T, which sold millions. He was known worldwide for his new production techniques and became one of the greatest American figures of his time. Henry Ford can certainly be considered a hero in so far as he was at the heart of an industrial revolution. He created many jobs and was cunning enough to be aware of the potential benefits of mass production. He was the first car manufacturer to produce and sell mil-lions of cars, and had an influence on the American way of life, as the Model T became a must-have for many families. However, one must bear in mind that he imposed tough work rhythms on his employees and made a huge profit by luring them with higher wages, which they could only attain by long working hours. Ford’s workers were exploited and so, in that sense, this industrial pioneer may be seen as an antihero. This extract puts forth a new production technique, which was revolutionary at the time. Indeed, the assembly line enabled manufacturers to increase their output. For instance, Ford could produce ten times as many Tin Lizzies as before the Taylor plan.

In this case we'll look at a man who saved an entire community from segregation slavery, Martin Luther King. Indeed, President Barack Obama pays tribute to this man (and his speech "I Have a Dream") by a poignant speech. Martin Luther king has indeed freed black people from slavery (Emancipation Proclamation), he ended the segregation of blacks also called Negroes.

Another example of the real life heroes is Henry Ford who can certainly be considered a hero of an industrial revolution. He created many jobs and was aware enough of the potential benefits of the productions. He was the first car manufacturer to produce and sell millions of cars. This man is known for his property and inventions that made this world a better and easier one.

in text “The land of marvels”, immigrants were attracted to a land where job opportunities and better living conditions seemed to be available to anyone. However, the American Dream became a reality for very few of them, and many remained poverty-stricken and had to face appalling social conditions in America. Their dream was seldom fulfilled and they had to accept low wages and tough jobs to make a living there.There is a myth of zero immigration which is what refers to the image of Jeff Parker. Indeed, the fact that there is no migration between countries is a myth, immigrants from one country could not enter another one because they could not learn the language and assimilate into the culture of this country. As a contrast, the reality


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