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The cancer and his peripheral components

Commentaire de texte : The cancer and his peripheral components. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Mars 2019  •  Commentaire de texte  •  255 Mots (2 Pages)  •  541 Vues

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The cancer and his peripheral components

The laboratory headed by Richard Béliveau isn’t only dealing with angiogenesis, but target many issues related to cancer. However, one aspect of the research focus on the mechanisms of resistance of cancer cells to chemotherapy. The oncologist said: "We put our energies to study a class of enzymes conveyor of chemotherapy drugs to cells. We now know that, in many cases, the antitumor drugs once returned to their purpose, are unable to penetrate the tumor cells to kill them. We say that the cancer cells are resistant to chemotherapy. "

Another project of the oncology laboratory focuses on how normal or cancerous tissues respond to conditions of oxygen deficiency (hypoxia-ischemia). These conditions of ischemia-hypoxia are found not only in cancer, but also in the development of atherosclerotic plaques (heart disease) and embolism (stroke). This lack of oxygen generates ischemic injury that causes the phenomenon of angiogenesis, therefore the proliferation of blood vessels. This is a call for help against the danger of hypoxia. The molecular survival instinct!

Many studies suggest that the induction of angiogenesis would be crucial in the development of metastases. In the absence of vascularization, tumors remain in a latent and benign state and fail to form metastases. Induction of neovascularization of tumor-induced factors leading to the formation of a large network of blood vessels that allows the growth of tumor cells not only by providing energy compounds, but also by the secretion of various factors growth (paracrine effect). The tumor can then grow and colonize other tissues.


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