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The Pacemaker

Mémoire : The Pacemaker. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Avril 2014  •  218 Mots (1 Pages)  •  602 Vues

Today, I'm going to do a general presentation of the Pacemaeker.

The Pacemaker is a small device used to electrically stimulate the heart. This device helps the heart to have regular beats. In fact, he generates an electrical pulse at the heart. The Pacemacer is used when the heart rate is irregular.

Some diseases require the mandatory wearing of Pacemaker for example the tachy-brady syndrome, when the heart sometimes beats too quickly and sometimes beats too slowly .

The pacemaker is composed of a case, an electronic module and a battery of Lithium.

The energy of the battery is converted by the circuits in small electrical pulses.

The case is connected to the chambers of the heart by one or more probes.The Probes transports the impulses of the case up to the heart.

Nowadays, the installation of a pacemaker is a common intervention but requires monitoring and entails physical and technical constraints.

For the pacemaker wearers, the sport is limited because the pacemaker is there to fill any cardiac problem.

The pacemaker is an electronic device. And his port requires precautions to avoid electromagnetic interference. For example, in shops, airports, the pacemaker wearers mustn't pass under the gantry of control to avoid disrupt the pacemaker.

Except these constraints, the pacemaker constitutes an extraordinary technological progress and changes radically the life of people with heart problems.


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