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The Big Bang Theorie

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Par   •  2 Décembre 2014  •  1 418 Mots (6 Pages)  •  910 Vues

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Big Bang Theory

Leonard and Sheldon are playing video games when suddenly Howard barges into their house.

Howard: (Enters the house without knocking at the door) Hey, what’s up??

Leonard: Your parents didn’t show you some manners? You could at least knock at the door.

Sheldon: Yeah! Did you know that in some parts of India, if you enter someone’s house without knocking, they can cut your fingers? And actually, that’s what happened to Raj’s mom.

Howard: Relax guys! You’re not Indians.

Leonard: Who knows? We could be Indians just like you could be African.

Sheldon: Basically, everybody of this world is from Mesopotamia. So we’re all Egyptians and Iranians. So to know who you really are, you must do the ratio of Egyptians and Iranians which is equal to 56.3333...3. Means that you could be 56.33333 % Egyptian and 43, 6667% Iranian or 56.3333..3% Iranian and 43.6667% Egyptian. It depends.

Leonard: It depends on what??

Sheldon: On the color of your skin!

Leonard and Sheldon: (at the same time) WHAT??

Sheldon: Yep! My skin is whiter than yours so I’m 56.3333% Iranian and 43.6667% Egyptian.

Leonard: Well, that’s racist, man!

Howard: Never mind! I was about to say something. (Starts to think)

Leonard: What? Did the NASA fire you because they thought that you were mad?

Sheldon: Anyways, NASA always fires everybody.

Howard: Fires everybody… everybody… money. Ooooh yes! Now I remember! I have saved enough money to buy a new comic but I can buy only one because my mom checks my expenses every months.

Leonard: OK! Which one?

Sheldon, Leonard and Howard: (together) Superman, Batman, Flash.

Sheldon: Batman? Batman is not even considerate as a superhero. He doesn’t have any superpowers. And he defends himself only with his muscles, technology and sophisticated gadgets because he is a son of a rich.

Leonard: Maybe that’s why he is unbeatable, and yes he is (pointing his finger to Sheldon as a warning) you can’t deny… As for Superman, he only lives with kryptonite.

Sheldon: So what??

Leonard: Kryptonite ruins his life, dude.

Howard: Buttman (laughs)

Leonard: (Turns and looks at Howard) Do you think Flash is better?

Howard: Indeed, he is better because no one can run faster than him.

Leonard: What’s the point of running at the speed of light if you just can’t fight with someone?

Sheldon: What? What did you said? Speed of light? Let me remind you that the speed of light is not more than three hundred thousand km per second and it is scientifically proven that no one can run as fast as the speed of light.

Howard: (feeling annoyed) Ooooh, c’mon! Flash isn’t “no one”, he is a superhero… (looks at Leonard) with real superpowers. (Talks to Sheldon) Do you think that science has proven that humans can fly?

Sheldon: Superman is not a human, he is a superhero… (Looks at Leonard) with real superpowers.

Leonard: (gets angry) Hey!! Stop looking at me like this… Batman has got superpowers.

Howard: Really, in which world, on planet Krypton?

Penny enters without knocking

Penny: Hey!

Sheldon: Did you know that in some parts of India…

Penny: (interrupts him) Yes, sorry, I know. If you enter someone’s house without knocking, they can cut your fingers.

Howard: (looks at Penny and talks to himself) and at the top of that, she’s intelligent. ( greets Penny) Bonjour mademoiselle.

Penny: Well, actually my mom went to India too, so

Howard: (interrupts Penny) I love the way you turned yourself from stupid to intelligent just for me.

Leonard: (looks at Howard badly and invite Penny to have a seat) Well, Penny it’s something good that you’ve come. Maybe you can help us on a very important subject.

Penny: Of course, which subject??

Sheldon: (goes to sit next to Leonard whispers in his ear) Leonard, she doesn’t know anything about comics. She won’t help us.

Leonard: (whispers in Sheldon’s ear) that’s why I am asking her, because she doesn’t know anything, she won’t make preferences.

Penny: Guys, I can hear you!

Leonard: (turns and talks to Penny with a fake smile) my dear Penny, we want you to say who is better between Batman, Superman and Flash.

Howard: No it’s Flash first, then Superman and Batman.

Sheldon: Shut up! It’s Superman, then Flash and Batman.

Leonard: Hey calm down guys! It’s the same thing. Now let Penny talk!



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