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Task 1 Anglais L1 LEA

Fiche : Task 1 Anglais L1 LEA. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  12 Mars 2017  •  Fiche  •  746 Mots (3 Pages)  •  557 Vues

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Subject : Europe's Top 100 Employers Competition

Date : 28 March 2016

Dear Mr Helger,

I am writing to you about the Europe's top employers Competition. I would like to introduce you the company I work for, because in my opinion it deserves your attention. Indeed it is the firm which has the best perks of our country, and this, since its start in 2009. LOMA is an application developer firm created from an original idea of Anastasia Gailis and Olga Krasts.

While they were watching a hockey match, they noticed that most of the teenagers present were watching their phones, so they had the idea of putting the match in it by creating a game. The two friends exposed their idea to Szemon Flakowski, a software engineer, and together they created it. Due to the success of the game, they decided to carry on creating their own applications and sell them all around the world. They were 3 at the beginning and thanks to the success of LOMA's applications, we are now 276 working in Riga.

It is such a great place to work for many reasons, it brings us so many advantages and the company is concerned about us. Indeed the employers know that each and every people are different in the way they work. Some are efficient in the morning, while others prefer work in the night. That is the reason why the firm put in place a system which can make employees able to give the best of themselves for the company. Indeed, the workplace is opened every hour and every day. So that the employees can work whenever they want by choosing their timetable. There is just one rule : they have to work at least 30 hours per week.

In order to make this operation of customizable office hours easier to apply, the company has created a neighborhood  dedicated to its employees. This “Loma Neighborhood” is located right beside the workplace and headquarters. Employees have the choice to live there or not. However, if they do, they will get several significant advantages. In fact, they will benefit of lowed rent for “Loma Houses”, proximity services such as a personnal market or a nursery for employees' children, several gardens and parks to wander over, and of course a usefull proximity with the workplace.

Moreover, the company is offering several services to its employees and their families by helping them financially at every step of their lives :                                                                                  First, it provides a complete social coverage, with health care for all the family, paid maternity leave of 4 months but also 1 month for the father which is quite unsual in Latvia and to finish, a retirement plan for the employees. Then the firm gives a financial help for the tuition fees including the studies in foreign countries, the far students are, the more they get. Indeed, our chief executive officer, Anastasia Gailis has always considered the education as the key of success. Then, for what it’s worth, children’s employees can also have summer job in the firm, in maintenance or in the call center.


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