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Ségrégation ANGLAIS

Dissertations Gratuits : Ségrégation ANGLAIS. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Mars 2014  •  330 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 248 Vues

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Racial segregation is the physical separation of people of different colors in the activities they engage commonly either eating out, drinking water fountain, use the toilet, go to school or to the cinema or to rent or buy a home.

Policies of segregation were legally applied during apartheid in South Africa and in the southern United States during the period of slavery until 1865 (thousand eight hundred and sixty five) and after reconstruction in 1876 (thousand eight sevnty six), which was followed by war Civil.

In the movie The Help, seen in class, we see that racism is much more important than now.

 In 1962 (thousand nine hundred and sixty two) , racial segregation persists in the state of Mississippi. Blacks and whites live in separate neighborhoods, in schools, libraries, hospitals and different should even avoid physical contact for fear "disease." Black women do housework and raise the children of white families most exclusive.

Relations are strained between domestic and employeuses: the slightest misstep and IT is the reference or the spiral infernae, which may extend to retaliation ultimate Ku Klux Klan.

Men seem more detached, but it is only an appearance: it is they who keep the law, and are behind the actions of the Klan.

Kathryn Stockett excels to immerse ourselves in the lives of these black women still on the ropes and their employeuses. It makes palpable the ambivalence of feelings between them: respect,,, contempt, mistrust,,, trust,,, hate,,, fear ... Maternal love these little white Black for which they are responsible admiration. As such,,, exchanges between Aibileen and Mae Mobey are amazing tenderness,,, emotion, subtlety ...

So of course, the whole is not devoid of Manichaeism: Some White feature treachery and meanness of extremes - while, ironically, it raise funds for poor countries to Africa .... Blacks, however, are poignant, endearing, the most admirable. Manichaeism but is not limited to a simplistic opposition black / white: there are blacks who beat their wives, and many whites who may try to make things happen.


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