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Synthèse en anglais sur l'article “ Art and design”

Note de Recherches : Synthèse en anglais sur l'article “ Art and design”. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Mars 2015  •  316 Mots (2 Pages)  •  637 Vues

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Synhtèse Anglais

This document is an article entitled “ Art and design” which comes from newspaper THE GUARDIAN written by Jonathan Jones in 2015, le topic addressed in this article which made polemic is the exhibition of a famous artist and wealthy named Damien Hirst on greeting cards Valentine’s Day where there are butterflies about the theme of love.

Damien Hirst is it really a passionate artist or a businessman that seeks only profit ?

Indeed Damien Hirst is an artist, entrepreneur and art collector British origin. He was born June 7,1965 in Bristol. He dominated the British art scene in the 1990s as a member of the Young British Artists group. In 1995, he won the Turner Prize. Moreover he is internationally renowned, and is reportedly the United Kingdom’s richest living artist.

The latest exhibition of Damien Hirst was criticized a lot. It was considered as an attempt to squeeze money out of innocent punters because of that images and banal greeting cards love heat and butterflies. By the way there is a lack of originality and personality in his cards in addition they have been printed in a way banal that such could find at the supermarket. The only personal touch is his name signed.

Yet again Hirst seemed passionate and amused by his artistic talent. it is hugely interested in the theme of death, such as when he posed for pictures in magazines or these old shocking sculptures showing the horror of death animals.

In conclusion, my opinion is that Damien Hirst is no longer an artist like another time in which he lived his passion, he was influenced by money and the world of Business. He became a businessman among many other who think only make o profit and earn further money it markets its brand, as it does so mercilessly here.


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