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Subject : Should Parents Interfere With Their Children's Choices ?

Dissertations Gratuits : Subject : Should Parents Interfere With Their Children's Choices ?. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  15 Octobre 2012  •  258 Mots (2 Pages)  •  5 337 Vues

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Subject: Should parents interfere with their children’s choices?

Generally, parents want the happiness of their children and they have to intervene in the choices of their kids. They can help them, or advise them because parents have an experience of the life unlike kids.

Parents shouldn’t interfere with their children’s choices because they need to make their own discoveries which to lead is for success is for failures. As for example, the choice for our school projects where our parents are there to be said us do not make a school of letter but rather a school of medicine, like that later you will have more choices jobs and you will make a good life. Or still you don’t go in this city, you don’t know nobody while in this one there is a family. Our choice of orientation, return to us because we pass minimum three years in the school of our choice.

But, in special cases parents should interfere with their children’s choices because parents have a experience of the life for example when we are small, the parents have to show their authority to be respected as when the child throws a tantrum to have a toy. Or still for the handicapped children who have a constant need to be helped and are mostly under the supervision of their parents. Even when they are major because they are not capable of making their own decisions.

Finally, parent's advices are very important especially when we hesitate in our choices but our parents have to respect our envies and our decisions.


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