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Study Case Deustche

Documents Gratuits : Study Case Deustche. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  7 Mai 2013  •  465 Mots (2 Pages)  •  658 Vues

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The idea is to find the 2 most appropriate countries for installing a subsidiary in the food industry. In order to know which countries to choose, we have been discussing about the developed countries, emerging countries, about the economic crisis that the world is suffering for years now, on which criteria are the most sensible to our industry, about the potential market and what are we looking for.

For example, because of our discussions on the economic crisis, we have chosen to not choose any European countries, because they are still suffering with this crisis, the different economies are struggling to regain their growth, with the exception of Germany, which is the third economy in the world and have recovered very quickly from the crisis and are way above the general European economy.

As well, we think that is better to target countries with high income and with big population, the idea is to sell to the more people possible with the best income. To respond to those criteria, we have chosen to study China, which is the country with the biggest population in the world, it is also the second economy in the world and might become the first one in the next few years, even if the average income is not that high, even if you are just targeting the top 20% of the population, it would represent about 300 million people… Next we have chosen U.S.A. which is recovering quite well from the crisis; the country has one of the biggest income per capita in the world, and have a large population of almost 310 million citizen. Furthermore we wanted to have some information about Brazil, which represent the future, with almost 200 million people and an important growth deserve to be taken in consideration. As well, we looked Germany as a very strong country, a very high income per capita, a significant 82 million people population.

Our goal is to sell to a wide population who is able to afford it.

Our research conclusion:

- U.S.A.: A significant population with the highest GDP in the world, a very high income per capita, an important agriculture, an attractive country to foreign investors and with almost no political risks.

- Germany: A very important income per capita, a very poor importance of the agriculture, a medium market especially considering the 3 others countries.

- China: The largest population in the world, one of the biggest economic growth, a quite bad income per capita, an very important agriculture and a good attraction to foreign investors.

- Brazil: A significant population with a medium income per capita but with a good growth and inflation, an agriculture importance correct and a country more and more attractive to foreign investors, Brazil should be a part of the 5 biggest economy in the world within the next few years.


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