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Street Art : Art or Vandalism ?

Commentaire d'oeuvre : Street Art : Art or Vandalism ?. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  1 Novembre 2015  •  Commentaire d'oeuvre  •  376 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 150 Vues

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I chose “Lava Burst” by Edgar Mueller. He is a German which belongs to Street Painting Movement. He was born in Mülheim, July 10, 1968, and grew up in the town of Straelen on the western edge of Germany.

This artist devoted himself entirely to street art. He made drawings in perspective on soils with chalk and paint, and created compositions in three breathtaking dimensions. In creating a unique perspective on a horizontal surface, it then appears the 3rd dimension, which creates a stunning trompe l'oeil.

These creations are three-dimensional paintings that become real illusions as Duality, Lava Burst, The crevasse ... These works were carried out in Germany, England and Russia. They require an average of 5 working days!

“Lava Burst” was created on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the international street painting Festival in Geldern. Edgar Mueller painted a large sized, three-dimensional picture once more. He created scenery appearing apocalyptic which invites the observer for proceeding in the picture.

The road is completely destroyed. Indeed we can see an open street in two, leaving us see the bowels of the earth where there is principally water in the middle and fire on the walls. This is an absolutely stunning painting! We really feel that we could fall into the bowels of the earth and never go back! On several pictures we see people standing on road extremities trying to touch without "falling" into the gaping hole that is "below" them.

I think the message that the author has tried to make past is that everything could be destroyed at any time as this street. He paints here a post-apocalyptic setting just impressive showing us that Mother Nature could resume duties on our planet at any time.

I chose this street artist because I think what he does is amazing and really beautiful, it has a real talent and he does it sharing in the world, it's wonderful.

Finally I chose this particular painting because I thought it was the most beautiful and realistic to these works.

I think this is art and not vandalism because this is legal here, this is for à Festival! Works as lovely and beautiful should not be prohibited by law. They bring color to our world and allow artists to convey a message.


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