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Starbucks La Rochelle

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Par   •  19 Novembre 2013  •  7 012 Mots (29 Pages)  •  1 216 Vues

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Introduction ..........................................................................................2 History and background ............................................................................3-4 Part 1: The Proposal Problem definition ...................................................................................4-7 Objectives.............................................................................................7 Competitors on market ..............................................................................8 Summary...............................................................................................9 Methodology

Data collection...............................................................................10-12 Sampling......................................................................................13-14 Weighting....................................................................................14-15


Part 2: Survey Tools

Questionnaire Structure justification .............................................................17-19 Questionnaire ........................................................................................20-23 Part 3: Analysis of data Analysis................................................................................................24-30 Conclusion............................................................................................31-32 Appendix

Collage........................................................................................34 References....................................................................................35 Tabulations





The first step of our group project is to choose a topic; we want to conduct a survey in which we could identify ourselves as potential consumers. Therefore, we needed to find a concept that could satisfy all of us. We gathered our ideas and we asked ourselves what things we have in common. The result was clear: we all drink coffee!

That is a very interesting subject because in France, coffee is a product of mass consumption. The country is the 10th biggest consumer in the world. We have identified some key figures concerning this sector, namely that the French consumer drinks approximately 2.5 cups of coffee per day. This can help us to have a better idea of the importance of this product in the economic market in France.

The coffee market is a mature market because 95% of the population already drinks coffee. In reality, it represents the second beverage consumed after water. That is why the Industrial seek a solution to attract young people because seniors are already vested. The solution can be the "Coffee" (shops) as for example Columbus Coffee, McDonalds with its McCafé, or Starbucks, which according to us, targets more teenagers and young adults.

Why this brand in particular? We chose to study the possibility of opening a Starbucks in La Rochelle, our hypothesis being that this brand of coffee shop is extremely known around the world. Moreover, La Rochelle is a city with many international students, but also very touristic! Thus, the utility of this survey appeared obvious.

Our objective is therefore to know whether or not opening a Starbucks in this city would be beneficial or at the contrary a strategic mistake. In a first step, this study serves to identify who would be the potential clients, to know what kind of consumers would be willing to change their habits, what are the factors that influence the choice of the buyers. Starbucks is currently the largest multinational chain of coffee shops. We therefore selected this American brand in order to combine a study of a developed and opportunist market with up market products.




History and background!

In 1971, the society has only one shop in Seattle hold by three friends Jerry Badwin, Zev Siegl and Gordon Bowker. They all had a passion for fresh coffee and began selling fresh- roasted, gourmet coffee beans and brewing and roasting accessories.

The name “Starbucks”, coming from the book Moby Dick, allude to a lot of legends and maritime traditions with the first negotiators coming in the shop.

In 1981, Howard Schultz came for the first time in Starbucks and since his first drink of “Sumatra”, he felt immediately attracted by Starbucks which he joins one year later as President – General Director of Starbucks.

In 1983, during a trip to Italy, Howard Schultz felt under the spell of Italian espresso bars and their ritual with coffee. He had then the idea of transpose in the United States the tradition of Italian coffee with places of talk and exchange words, like a third places half-way between home and work. He left briefly Starbucks to create his own coffee chain “II Giornale” and came back in August 1987, date at which he bought Starbucks with the help of several local investors.

The era of growth

Starbucks coffee history was just beginning to take shape. Starting from a base of 17 stores in 1987, the company expanded rapidly to other cities: Vancouver, Portland, and Chicago. By 1997 the number of Starbucks Coffee stores grew tenfold, with locations in the United States, Japan, and Singapore.



Other business extensions

Not satisfied enough with just a storehouse coffee, Starbucks initiated several other product and brand extensions:

- Offering Starbucks coffee on United Airlines flights. - Using the Internet to offer people the option to purchase Starbucks coffee online. - Selling CDs in Starbucks retail stores.

Starbucks' success was largely through word of mouth advertising, and this turned its name into a household word. In fiscal 2004, Starbucks reached a record 1,344 stores worldwide. The history of Starbucks shows how the once small regional roaster, selling coffee beans, became an international corporation with more than 9,000 locations in 34 countries serving 20 million customers or more a week.

Starbuck arrived on the French market almost 6 months after it began establishing itself in Europe – starting with Britain, Switzerland and Austria, the 15th of January 2004. Some research has shown the French remain


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