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Spaces And Exchanges

Documents Gratuits : Spaces And Exchanges. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Juin 2015  •  259 Mots (2 Pages)  •  804 Vues

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There are many way to express power : positive expression when people can use their notoriety to help others or to defend a cause ; negative expression when government abuse of its power to control people. Power is too present in globalization to develop exchanges between countries.

How somebody's power can be exerted? I think that these individuals have a big sentiment of generosity, solidarity, justice and with a global outlook. This great sense of equality enables people to make things evolve in allover world and change other people's life and future. When these people decide to volunteer to help others? Perhaps one day they discover a situation that upsets them and make them react, perhaps that they become aware of difficulties.


That is what we will do with the text about Bono, “Tired of dreaming”. Bono is an Irish singer and member of the group U2 but Bono is too an altruistic person. In fact, in 1984, Bono come in an Ethiopian orphanage, to find out how bad the famine was. To help orphans, he collects money and his worldwide recognition has allowed to collect a lot of funds.

I think that it's important that stars take such initiatives because they're model for everybody. If these stars make good actions, their fans can make the same good actions. With their notoriety stars can make concerts to earn lot of money and creat foundations. Their popularity enable to speak to world leaders and sometimes, use the power of the press. Talking with their people, stars share experience


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