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Spaces And Exchanges

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Par   •  15 Mai 2015  •  559 Mots (3 Pages)  •  2 656 Vues

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Spaces and Exchanges

Is the American Dream still alive? What attracts immigrants to live in the USA?

The world around us is characterized by the notion "Spaces and exchanges". Indeed, people have always conquered new lands which resulted in ethnic, linguistic, cultural and economic interactions. Today, the United States is the perfect illustration of the “melting pot” where all the different cultures are mixed. This multicultural society is a consequence of the American Dream.

Today, immigration in the USA is still topical but we can ask ourselves if the American Dream still alive today. To answer this question, first we are going to talk about the reasons why immigrants go to the USA, define the American Dream and analyze different examples of immigration.

First, people who decide to emigrate are the ones who know poverty, hunger, lack of water or even dictatorships. They dream of better living conditions. Immigrants to the United States frequently perceive America as the land of endless opportunities and prosperity. They come to find wealth and glory in the USA.

Both of immigrants have a common point: they want to try their luck in the USA. All chose this destination because they are attracted by the American Dream. This concept was invented by James Truslow Adams in 1931. It is the idea that everybody can succeed in the USA as long as this person is courageous, hard-working and determined. No matter where this person was born or what his social background is, as soon as he has these qualities, he can become rich and successful.

Oprah Winfrey is living proof that the American dream is alive and well. She overcame poverty, parental neglect, sexual abuse and racism to become one of the richest and most powerful women in the entertainment industry. Thanks to her powerful personality and by simply being herself, she reinvented the talk show and still reigns as the undisputed champ of daytime television.

Barack Obama is a perfect example of the AD. Indeed, born black, raised by a single mum in a low middle-class lifestyle, studied and worked his way into a good university. He did community work to help people in his neighborhood. When he announced his run for the presidency, everyone laughed and gave him no chance. Finally he won the primaries against powerful names and then elected as president.

We can see that myths are not only good in the Bruce Springsteen's song “American Land”. It's a music with a dynamic and lively rhythm. At beginning, it speaks about all the wonders of America, the diamonds on sidewalk, the beautiful clothes of women, the happiness of children... We are entirely in the myth. But we realize after, that it tells the story of all the unknown immigrants who built America until death. They scarified themselves. This song demystifies the American myth of American dream.

As a result, we can say that the USA with its greatness still gives immigrants the opportunity to improve their life and to have a shot at the American Dream. Nevertheless, this American Dream has changed over the centuries, that’s why new immigrants can meet obstacles and difficulties. But the USA was created thanks to immigration and is still a nation of immigrants.


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