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Space And Exchanges

Dissertation : Space And Exchanges. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  26 Mai 2015  •  792 Mots (4 Pages)  •  759 Vues

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I'm going to talk about Space and Exchanges . This notion deals with the geographical and symbolic areas that all societies occupy and the interactions between men and different societies . What could drive people to leave their native land to go in the usa ? First I will focus on the concept of the american dream and then , we will talk about the multicultural country. In order to illustrate this notion , I've chosen “ American Land “ that this year we studied in the classroom and then, with my own research “ The new face” .

In first of all , the american dream is an idea that suggests that in United States, the American social , economic system makes success possible for everyone and provide a better life by working hard. Indeed nowadays , many people around the world are willing to fulfill their dreams and take theirs chances to success. Moreover The united states is seen as an attractive country for the immigrants , this territory is full of hopes from many of them. So as to illustrate this idea, The first document I've chosen is a song “ American Land” written by Bruce Springsteen in 2006. Its talk about a young man who would like to live the american dream , he arrived on Ellis Island and he worked in a steel factory , his wife joined him .Besides , they both worked and they earned a living in America . He described the United States like a land of plenty such as an eldorado or a heaven. Throught this song , he had an idealistic vision of the USA when he said for example “ all the women wear silk and satin”, “ there's diamonds on the side walk” and “ Gold comes rushing out of waters into your bands “. Indeed , all around the world United states is seen as a country of opportunities for newcomers: gives anyone the chance to start out a new business from scratch as we can observe in this song , immigrants are determinated to work in USA to earn money “ the fire down below (l.33) “” nothin 'in their bullies” . They would like to evolve from rags to riches because in Usa , there are better wages , good education , better medical facilities . However, we remark in this song that Springteen criticizes “ the american dream” for not coming true for the majority . According to him , many of immigrants died working in America “ they died buildings and railsroads”. Due to Springsteen pays a tribute to immigrants which make sacrifices as left their countries or families to achieve their goals like the american dream.

Now , we will focus on multiculturalism in America. The united states is known for his diversity , there are many languages , people of different origins and cultures . Owing to , “ The melting pot” is a metaphor which is used to illustrate this cultural diversity with the different ethnic groups in the american society. The second document I've chosen is a time cover “ the new face of America “ was published in 90's. The cover girl was not real but a cybernetic crossbeed. This picture was created on a computer with a mix of women from various racial and ethnics backgrounds . This woman face is a curious melange of asian , middle eastern, african and hispanic caracteristics. It denounces this new aspect of multicultural society in usa . In fact , American society is composed of people from differents communities , thereby creating a cultural exchange between these different cultures and resulting in a “melting


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