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Résumé d'un texte en anglais: Poison Protest (document en anglais)

Rapports de Stage : Résumé d'un texte en anglais: Poison Protest (document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Avril 2014  •  211 Mots (1 Pages)  •  1 745 Vues

Poison protests.

Ci dessous vous trouverez le résumé de Poison Protest écrit en anglais.

Ce document a été réalisé par un élève de BTS MUC.

This document is an article from the newspaper The Economist. It was published on August 20th, 2011. It discusses about the demonstrations that took place against the disregard of the chinese authorities for public safety and for the environment.

First, a collision of two trains killing 40 people has caused an important debate in the media.

Then, two months later, a chemical gas witch is called PX spread in the city of Dalian. This accident comes from a factory acquired by the government.

Officials feared because the protest continued on the net. To not add fuel to the fire, search for the terms PX have been blocked to not repeat the schematic of the Arab Spring.

Officials doesn’t want to close the factory because they invested 2,5 billion $. Similar problems happened in 2007 in the city of Xiamen.

The demonstrations have marked the sprits in China. These memories illustrate the importance that Authorities have for the environmental issues.

To not add fuel to the fire, search for the terms PX have been blocked.

The Government does not solve environmental problems, and the planet still suffering.

Total : 188 words


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