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Résumé articles de journaux " Guardian News & Media Ltd. " et intitulé "Ne pas acheter de vins sud-africains : l'appel des travailleurs aux consommateurs étrangers"

Fiche de lecture : Résumé articles de journaux " Guardian News & Media Ltd. " et intitulé "Ne pas acheter de vins sud-africains : l'appel des travailleurs aux consommateurs étrangers". Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  23 Novembre 2014  •  Fiche de lecture  •  457 Mots (2 Pages)  •  3 060 Vues

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Résumé :

This document is an article extract from the newspaper "Guardian News & Media Ltd " and entitled "Don't buy South African Wines : striking workers' plea to foreign consumers". It was published on January 24th of 2013 and written by Alex Duval Smith.

Also it speaks about the conditions of work of South African workers and specifically of miners and farm workers.

Indeed, last year was tense because of standoff in mining sector and now the problem is with farm workers. This problem result from that they are underpaid and their wage is note increased.

Farm workers are supported by unions and charities who are complaining that it isn't normal that British consumer accept this situation.

Thus, knowing that the government is inert in front of this situation, the only solution is to stop South African products importations if conditions of work don't change.

Nonetheless, while miners are struggling against faceless London-listed corporations, farm workers are against another type of struggle, much of them risk to be evict as they are living on employer's properties because they are illiterate and aren't unionized. In order to perpetuate paternalism labor rights and laws are note applied.

Initiatives are being taken by some few employers but unions want a centralized form of negotiation. Unfortunately, employees are representing a large minority in an union, therefore they can only hope and wait.

Besides, a 2011 report by Human Rights Watch highlighted the miserable conditions of work that farm workers were confronting.

Expression écrite :

Can your behavior affect working conditions in other countries? Discuss the notion of social responsibility.

As far I'm concerned, I think that my buying behavior can affect working conditions in other countries. I agree with the idea that only consumers can do something on social responsibility in this case but it will be effective if all consumers act together. The social impact relative to a corporation will not result with one or two products, it will result if an entire population decide to pledge in order to enforce laws and conditions of working. The only way to be heard of our displeasure is to unite and struggle against injustice. The notion of social responsibility means that people and organizations must behave ethically and with sensitivity toward social, cultural, economic and environmental issues. Struggle for social responsibility helps individuals, organizations and governments have a positive impact on development, business and society with a positive contribution to financial results. If employees are satisfied of their conditions of working, it will be more beneficial for employers and for the company but also for the country in question too because it will have its impact on economic growth and the vision of the country toward other countries.


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