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Résumé Di Caprio Speech

Cours : Résumé Di Caprio Speech. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  21 Février 2018  •  Cours  •  301 Mots (2 Pages)  •  528 Vues

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I, Leonardo DiCaprio, addresses to the Secretary General of the United Nations, and thanks him for the given honour to talk to the climate leaders. I will quote a sentence of Abraham Lincoln about bold action, about slavery.

For me these words are also correct to talk about Climate Change.

As a UN Messenger of Peace, I have been in several countries and I have seen how this crisis has modified our landscape. I have seen all these catastrophes like the sea level rising in Miami, flooding the streets, and I have been terrified of that.

It’s clear for scientist that human activity results in this changes, which will become worse in the future.

This climate change is most important that any prediction of scientist and it’s a disaster for everyone.

I could talk about the future and our shame to give a devastated planet for future generations.

I could say that the achievement of the Paris agreement, but if it’s a reason for hope, all this catastrophes show that we need to do more.

We shall to leave fossil fuels to save our planet. It will not be easy, but the earth population needs to do that before it’s too late.

The decisions taken to reduce pollution have also sense in many economic aspects. I do insist on the fact that what was done today is not enough and that the leaders of all countries must push the promises that were done. I think that the talking time is over.

The fossil fuels companies should not dictate policies that what will have an impact on our future. The today’s leaders will be the heroes or the villain for the next generations. I have been finishing by saying that the leaders present in this area are the last hope to protect Earth.


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