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Résumé Bienvenue Chez Les Chtit En Anglais

Dissertation : Résumé Bienvenue Chez Les Chtit En Anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  17 Mars 2013  •  283 Mots (2 Pages)  •  949 Vues

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My favorite film is « Bienvenue chez les Cht’is ». It was produced by Danny Boon.

The main actors are Kad Merad, Danny Boon, and Zoe Felix. It was released in 2008

Philip Abrahams is postmaster, Antoine Bailleul is postman and carillon and Julie Abrahams is the wife of Philip.

The type of film is comedy.

The resume is: Philippe Abrams is director of the office of Salon-de-Provence. He is married

to Julie who is depressive, he has got a son. To please her, Philippe lied to obtain a job the Côte d'Azur. He said he was disabled. But he was uncovered and they transferred him at Burgue, a small town in the north of France. For him, north is the horror, a cold region, with an incomprehensible language,''the''cheutimi. Philippe decided to go alone. To his surprise, he discovered a charming place, a friendly, welcoming people, and is a friend, Antoine, the postman and village bell-ringer,. When Philippe returned to Salon, Julie refused to believe he liked in the North. . So he played her game, and he told wrong stories about Burgue and its people. So, Julie was really anxious and she decided to join Philip … Surprise!!!

Philip must tell the truth to his team. And they tried to help him, but Julie discovered the lie

Fortunately love won again…and they lived together happy in Burgue.

My favorite moment is when Philippe and Antoine were drunks and they were cycling in Burgue

And I like the famous sentence of Antoine:

“When you arrive in Burgue you cry when you leave you cry too” and he was right.

I chose this film because I love these players and I love comedy film

Morality is that we must not trust appearances


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