- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Rien de spécial

Rapport de stage : Rien de spécial. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  3 Juin 2019  •  Rapport de stage  •  445 Mots (2 Pages)  •  318 Vues

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Y : Axel

X : Clément

B : Lucas

Y : Hello Gran-Pa.

X : Hello Dad.

B : Hello my children.

Y : What's up ? Have you heard about the news ? It talks about generation Y of which I'm part of ...

X : So what ?

B : Go on, tell us more ...

Y : Please don't interrupt me, I was telling you it. So they said that we are clearly the best generation. We are multi-taskers and much more productive than the others generation.

X : Hey calm down boy, I think you are also turning on your little person, you are sometimes self-absorbed.

Y : Hmmm I don't think so, they have just said we are tech-savvy and better in group than the other generations.

X : In our time, we were more indepedant at work, not narcissic and we could live without the internet, therefore without computer. We didn't need smartphone, if we wanted to see somebody, we just needeed to call them.

Y : Why do you keep calling your friends dad ? Sending messages are much easier. Thanks to social media we can see our friends and give them "a like" to show them that we like them.

B : That's the problem ...

Y : Which problem ?

B : All teenagers nowadays use social-media instead of seeing their friends face to face. In my time, if we wanted to see somebody, as we didn't have any phone or other way of communication, we just took the car and just went and saw them ...

Y : Uhh didn't you disturb them ?

B : Ohohoh, no of course no, visiting somebody was usual, we used to do it cause everybody was in the same case and we couldn't do in another way.

X : Yes but it's over, things and minds have changed. When you were young there were lots of employment. In contrary to my generation. My generation live whithout your addiction for internet, online game and social network.

Y : Yeah, I think social-media is useful to find a job and to have a social life.

B : Yeah, but all generations are different. We can't have the same point of view of the world because we didn't grow in the same historical or social context.

X : Yes, I'm agree whis your Gran-Pa.

Y : Well yeah I agree.

X : Look ! This "best" generation has a short attention span. They need to be constantly engaged and to have created a dynamic environment to produce a good work. And after, all of your generation would like to change the world. The life isn't so easier as you think my son.

B : Yes ... It's the new generation my son, don't worry ^^.


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