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Resolutions (anglais-english)

Discours : Resolutions (anglais-english). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  31 Janvier 2017  •  Discours  •  312 Mots (2 Pages)  •  419 Vues

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The last year, I hadn't any resolutions but this year, I decided to take six promises than I can be pretty sure I can do.

Firstly, I have two resolution about my personal improvement : I'm going to take up the running. I'm going to run in the woods every week-end. I decided that because I really like it and it's very good for my health.

Then, I'm going to use less my computer. I choose this resolution because I use too much my computer and it isn't good for my sight.

Next, I have two more important promises than the lasts. The first is for my family. I'm going to be more helpful with her now. I think I don't help enough other people and I believe it will be better if I do it.

The second is for my friends. This year I'm going to organize more party for see my friends more often outside of the school.

I also have one resolution about school and one another about the outside world. I'm going to be more concentrate in the classroom and when I do my homework. I'm going to do it because I didn't manage to be concentrate when I work during a long time and because that, I get some bad marks and bad school reports. My Biggest desire is I pass my exams in July.

My promise about the outside world is I'm going to go more often to the cinema because I always watch the films alone on my phone and if I go to the cinema, I can meet some people and make a lot of friends.

In short, this year I want to run every week-end, use less my computer, be more helpful with my family, organise more party with my friends, manage to be concentrate when I work, pass my exams in July and go more often in the cinema.


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