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Red Bull Marketing Strategy

Dissertation : Red Bull Marketing Strategy. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Mars 2015  •  681 Mots (3 Pages)  •  1 293 Vues

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Red Bull

Red Bull GmbH is an Austrian company created in 1984 by Dietrich Mateschitz and Chaleo Yoovidhya. Chaleo Yoovidhya already sell an energy drink called “Kraten Daeng” in Thailand.

In 1987, Dietrich Mateschitz adept the drink to the European taste by carbonating it and reduces the sugar.

Because of the immediate success of the drink in Austria, the company exports it everywhere in Europe in 1990 and in USA in 1997.

“Red Bull is the leader of the market of energy drink with 60% of the market share”.

The main target of Red Bull product is young people between 15 and 35 years old who are looking from adrenaline, like people who like party, student in studying time, trader, athlete…

The major competitor of Red Bull are Monster, MDD and Burn with 14%, 10,8% and 7,8%.

Red Bull was original by it kind of entry on the market, indeed, in USA for example, Red Bull did not try to introduce itself by the way of supermarket distribution but by asking exclusivity to small distributors.

In the same time, they target the club and trendy nightclubs.

All this strategy was made to target in a first time the trend-setters – few people who are influent, looked and copied-.

Red Bull’s marketing strategy target also younger people by the way of the “Wing Teams” who are young and handsome students, driving customized Mini Cooper and show the archetype of the Red Bull customers.

But Red Bull focus its marketing strategy on the image of special way of life, by the way of the extreme sport sponsored but the brand, for example “The Red Bull Flugtag” or the “Red Bull Air Race World Championship”.

With this marketing strategy, Red Bull associates the product to the extreme sport and big thrills. By this image contrarian and underground, Red Bull took advantage of urban legend, like the “liquid Viagra” due to the Taurine, or the “liquid cocaine”, to give temptation to the consumer.

Red Bull marketing strategy is not focus on the product itself, but only on the brand image associates to it, like seen previously with the sport, the big thrills…

All the marketing strategy was based firstly on being cheap but the most effective.

First they used a “below the line” marketing strategy, by avoiding the main media, and got a closer communication with the consumers.

The advantages of this strategy are that it is really focus on the consumers and really cheap.

By this way they can have information about the appreciation of the product straight from the consumers.

That is the main role of the “Wings Teams” who go downtown or in the different campus to give free cans and do some activities.

The second marketing strategy is the “viral marketing”, by using the consumer himself to diffuses the message.

This strategy is mainly on the web, by the use of social network like Facebook.

The main advantages of this strategy is that it is really


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