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Rapport De Stage à l'hôpital de Viktor Yusselin

Rapport de stage : Rapport De Stage à l'hôpital de Viktor Yusselin. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Avril 2015  •  Rapport de stage  •  385 Mots (2 Pages)  •  781 Vues

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I chose to do my training period in hospital Victor Jousselin because i have already

done an other training period there and I was very satisfied. I decided to carry out my

formation in electricity sector because it is the closer to what I studies.

Dreux hospital is one of the more renowned of the Eure-et-Loir , it is situated at 50

km in the south-west of Rambouillet , it count 1700 employed with 200 technicians ,

and it has a budget of 113 millions €.

I was appointed to the cartrac system .

A- Presentation of hospital

A1- Activity sector

Dreux hospital ,in result of its great popularity in its department , has to welcome many persons who have differents illness , that's why they have 755 beds in differents services

A2- Electric department:

The technician department is divided in severals parts : electric, painting and mechanic , the electricians are 7 , the tasks in the service are « maintenance » in differents parts of hospital or the management of cartrac system , during my training period i worked on this last.

A3-Functionment of Cartrac system

The cartrac is a system wich permit to give drugs , clothes , food , in differents services . It is a trolley wich is controled by diferents automatic controler.

The first basement is a main level of cartrac , it is where situated pharmacy , self and lingerie.

C-Activities during the technician training period

B1- Missions

At the begining , I worked with technician who repair differents problems in the

severals services , and after I asked to work on the cartrac system because I was

interested to learn how this last functioned.

My principal mission on a cartrac system was the programation to resolv a problem

which concerns the destination of the trolley.

To resolv the problem , I used PL7 micro , a software which permit to program

automat controler . The main dificulties were to learn all functions of the system and

the software , after severals weeks of work I succeeded to add , with the help of

MrGoussu , a programation which permit to send the trolley in differents services

thanks to simple button.

B2- Assess to formation

During this Training period , I developed many competances learned at school in real environment , It give me experience , team spirit and thanks to this trainaing period I am more self-confident about decisions I take.


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