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Rapport De Stage En Anglais

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Par   •  5 Mars 2015  •  594 Mots (3 Pages)  •  822 Vues

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, I’m a in a Btech in negociation and customers relationships, I did my internship in two companies because I had to change in the last year. I worked for three weeks in a family company called MIEUX VOIR for visually impaired people selling magazines in large print. Then, I could find antoher work-placement in HOMENUISERIES in sales and installation of joinery.

I'll tell you about my internship at HOMENUISERIES because it was rewarding for me. HOMENUIERIES is a limited liability company, it’s located in La Roche sur Foron in the industrial area. The company is specialized in selling and installing windows, blinds, doors ... of an upscale Austrian brand, which is its main distributor: INTERNOM, world leader in the market. HOMENUISERIES most often works with individual customers. But they also serve professionals, they often work with architects.

The director's name was Didier Cordonnier, it was also my tutor in the business. The company offers three different styles of design: studio, ambient and home. The other suppliers were: MARITON, ISEA, SCHNEKER and ERETH. The goal was to increase the growth of the company in Switzerland because it is a region with great potential. There was a strong competition; as leader: EPM. Follower: ECOTHERM. and challenger: TRYBA.

The problem that we had to face was to find ways that allowed us to develop our fame in the market.

My first task was to discover the business. Starting with the discovery of high-end products and their characteristics. And a meeting with the commercial INTERNOM. Then I corrected their ISS marketing information system. It allowed the creation of databases of customers, quote data, and sending a command. Finally I became familiar with customers, going live appointment with the business and phoning tasks.

My second task was to distribute flyers to make the company know with a promotion on the installation of windows. We surveyed 10,000 households for which we return only one allowed to profitable operation with a recipe for 12,000 euros, which enabled us to have a positive profitability. Then we set up in a temporary stand in a supermarket Carrefour. This time in one week to let us know with people, we explaine our products we sold ... But we didn’t do any order. The profitability was negative.

I then created several sales brochures to be used to make door to door canvassing to individual customers. I did this for a week, I did over 200 homes, I went to meet people, but I didn’t have the results of this task.

The negative points that I met during my weeks of training were that the sector of woodwork is very complex, there is a lot of technical terms, too complicated to go alone to a meeting for a negotiation with a customer, that's why I accompanied my tutor all the time.

The positives aspects were that my tutor really took me as a member of his company. I was very interested in what he did, I'm curious to learn the technics of the customer approach, preparation he did ... he often asked my opinion, let me tasks to do alone, I was really involved in this organization.

After my B-tech I'll spend a year in Australia as aupair to improve my English because it is essential for my future career. Then I like the job of sales-representative, but I think it is a job with a lot of stress and a lot of pressure if we are not achieving. It pleases


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