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RSE Ngo And Society

Compte Rendu : RSE Ngo And Society. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  27 Novembre 2012  •  605 Mots (3 Pages)  •  822 Vues

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Motivations for company partnership :

The reasons for companies to approach NGOs can be classified according to the main criteria (it is often the choice of a partner is due to several of these reasons):

• A willingness to executive management or the CEO as a result of a "awareness" or a meeting with an NGO :

 It is a subjective reason. An officer is assigned or convinced by a discussion with an officer or member of an NGO. Notions of meaning and value are often mentioned in this case.

For example, after a meeting with the founder of International Agrisud, CEO of Laiterie de Saint Denis de l’Hôtel decided to change its sponsoring to a stronger relationship with NGOs.

• The need to meet the objectives of the CSR strategy of the company.

The NGO provides expertise on one of the challenges of corporate responsibility (training frameworks on social issues, or construction of indicators of accessibility products and services for the poor, for example) and gaining credibility, the company shows specifically its willingness to act responsibly.

• Research expertise.

The company recognizes the need for knowledge of the field / tissue local NGOs. Total collaboration and Iram, which focuses on the training of specialists in the group "field" of NGOs on the basic of a methodological guide jointly developed seems to produce convincing results.

• Communication / internal mobilization.

The creation of partnerships with one or NGO’s is seen by the company as a means of mobilizing its employees and highlight its values ​​in a new way.

Financial reasons

The tax incentive is clearly mentioned by some NGOs as

motivation for the company. It is much less for company.

• External communication

The desire of the private sector to improve its image and reputation

is rarely mentioned. However, it is underlying all types of collaboration and is beneficial for both parties: the company improves or strengthens its image and reputation NGO and mission have increased visibility to new audiences.

The big environmental NGOs, aware of the value of their brand, tend

sign contracts to use their logo for very high amounts. In the mid-

Development NGOs, it is not a rule

CSR strategy or voluntary on the part of companies

In recent years, voluntary actions by companies in the field

CSR sometimes result from the existence of new legal constraints (as

France for CAC40 companies) but more importantly,anticipation, for businesses, legal constraints.

This is to meet the social expectations before they do form of laws, regulations exogenous.

This is of immediate interest that, in fact, to the remote system


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