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Qui est Robin Williams? (Document en anglais)

Commentaire d'arrêt : Qui est Robin Williams? (Document en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Avril 2015  •  Commentaire d'arrêt  •  287 Mots (2 Pages)  •  607 Vues

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Who is Robin Williams? A man of great heart

Robin Williams helped more than 50 organizations with donations and devoting his time.

Robin Williams was a man with a big heart, was part of numerous charitable organizations which helped with donations of large sums of money and devoting most of his time to spend with people who most needed .

2 of the most important foundations in which he took part were, the Reeve Foundation o United Service Organizations (USO), Williams besides helping with fundraising for the St. Jude Children's Research Hospital, He also appeared in commercials and participated in events and activities of which all money raised was for the hospital. Many people said

“Williams never charge for her appearances in such events.”

Moreover the Reeve Foundation raised founds for spinal cord injuries. Williams was part of the board for four years and when ever possible would visit patients and try to make children forget their illness for a while. The USO was an organization in which Williams also gave large donations and supported all military USA Army and their families. He was 12 years lending his support to this foundation travelling to 13 different

countries to help about nearly 100,000 militars.

We can say that Robin Williams was a very important man, both in the world of cinema, as in the real world.

These are just 3 of all its beneficial actions, the day he died was a very sad day for America and worldwide, we lost a great man who will always be remembered for creating magic in films, but also by all the magic and excitement it created in people.

Rich People, 23 March 2015.


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