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Questions Sur L'Australie

Commentaires Composés : Questions Sur L'Australie. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  19 Mars 2014  •  558 Mots (3 Pages)  •  623 Vues

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James Cook sailed along and mapped the east coast Australia in 1770, which he named New South Wales for his country Great Britain.However, Cook by no means discovered Australia, nor was he even the first Englishman to land on its shores. That was done by William Dampier in 1688, and his opinions of Australia ("New Holland" as it was then known) were less than complimentary. Aborigines had been in Australia for thousands of years, and Malay and Macassan traders had been landing on the far northern coast, collecting sea slugs to trade with China, for many years.Willem Jansz/Janszoon was a Dutchman who was seeking new trade routes and trade associates. He became the first recorded European to step foot on Australia's shores on the western shore of Cape York Peninsula, on 26 February 1606. However, he believed the Cape to be part of New Guinea, from whence he crossed the Arafura Sea. In 1616, Dutch sea-captain Dirk Hartog sailed too far whilst trying out Henderik Brouwer's recently discovered route from the Cape of Good Hope to Batavia, via the Roaring Forties. Reaching the western coast of Australia, he landed at Cape Inscription on 25 October 1616. His is the first known record of a European visiting Western Australia's shores. First European to discover Australia was in 1606 by Willem Janszoon.

Australia was first used as a penal colony by the British. It depends upon the context. The first European use of Australia was as a penal colony and free settlement by the British. However, apart from the indigenous aboriginal population, Australia was first used as gathering grounds for trepang, or sea-slugs, by the Macassan traders, because trepang was a prized delicacy in China

After the indigenous Aborigines, the first people to officially settle in Australia were convicts sent from Britain, and the officers sent to oversee the new colony. Governor Arthur Phillip was the first Governor of New South Wales (Australia).

Having said that, however, there is some evidence that the first unofficial European settlers were survivors of Dutch shipwrecks off the western coast of the continent, a region renowned for shipwrecks in the 1600s

Australia Day is celebrated on the 26 January ever year.

Australia Day marks the arrival of the First Fleet and the beginning of European settlement in Australia. In particular, it marks the raising of the British flag on Australian soil for the first time.

Wool was the first thing to make Australia prosperous. The wool industry took off in the early 1800s, bringing wealth to many areas.

From the 1850s, the gold rushes played a large part in Australia's prosperity - a prosperity that still continues, with gold still being mined.

In more recent decades, mining of metals and minerals has contributed significantly to Australia's prosperity

Australia uses the standard Gregorian calendar used in Western societies and which is the standard for global business. Therefore, the year 1901 in Australia refers to the same period of time referred to as 1901 in the United States, United Kingdom, or any other nation using the Gregorian calendar. For translations into the corresponding year on other calendars, one would have to know which calendar system in order to


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