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Questionnaire En Anglais

Note de Recherches : Questionnaire En Anglais. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  30 Mars 2013  •  824 Mots (4 Pages)  •  1 223 Vues

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In the context of a survey and an analyse of the customer, we thank you to answering this survey.

Your profile

Surname :

Firstname :

Adress :

Telephon number :

Email :

What is your gender ?

Male ☐ female ☐

☐ Less than 30 years ☐ Between 30 and 39 years ☐ Between 40 and 49 years

☐ Between 50 and 59 years ☐ 60 years and more

How old are you ? ………………

Have you already go to a fitness room ?

☐ Yes ☐ No

What did you expect to a fitness room ?

☐ Flexible hours ☐ The large range of activities ☐ The care quality

☐ The teach and the guidance quality ☐ The price-quality relation

☐The mood in the fitness room ☐ The proximity to home ☐ The proximity of your workplace

Other reason : ( could you more precise)

When you go to a fitnesse room, what is your goal ?

☐ For relax ☐ To release ☐ To take care of me ☐ Sculpting my body ☐ To meet friends

Other reasons : could you more precise

Among the activities proposed, which one interest to you ?

☐ Step ☐Gymnastique ☐ Aérobic ☐ Products (cream) ☐ Endurance

☐ Massage ☐ Aquagym

Are you satisfied with your eating habits ?

☐ Satisfied ☐ Very Satisfied ☐ Unsatisfied

In the context of a full tracking,, would you be coached by a diet professionnal ?

☐ Yes ☐ No

For your balance diet, would you like to follow a lesson food ?

☐ Yes ☐ No

How often would you like to go to a fitness room ?

☐ Once a week ☐ Twice or three a month ☐ Once a month or less

☐ Less frequently

Which opening day suits you better?

(Many answer are possible) ☐ Monday ☐ Tuesday


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