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Quel politicien américain vous a influencé ?

Discours : Quel politicien américain vous a influencé ?. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Octobre 2013  •  Discours  •  223 Mots (1 Pages)  •  543 Vues

« Which american politican has influenced you the must ? »

Al Gore it’s for me the american politican who influenced the must.

Al Gore was a businessman and american politican, member of the Democrats. He

was vice-president of Bill Clinton to 1993 at 2001. And before, he was sanator of the

Tennessee to 1985 at 1993. It’s in 2000 that he present for the presidency confronted

with Georges W. Bush. But he lost the election.

Since 2000, Al Gore has an active militant for the global warming. That’s why he was

reworded by the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007.

How Al Gore has he of the influence ?

Al Gore has known to showing that we caused an ecological disaster. Our

economy isn’t compatible with saving of the environment. As a result, Al Gore

recommend to take the measures for to avoid a disaster, like heat waves, stroms, tidal

waves and etc.

He makes regain consciousness, but no alarmist way, of the urgence of the

situation. Today, Al Gore gives many conferences around the world and his speech is


However, few things are organized to begin the changement.

Finally, Al Gore is an american politican influential because he Heshows us

another face of the politics which is the ecology. And that it is easy to reconcile our

consumer society and the sustainable development.


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