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Présenation d'une vidéo sur les tratégies de Communication pour Résoudre le Conflit dans le Lieu de travail (document en anglais).

Dissertations Gratuits : Présenation d'une vidéo sur les tratégies de Communication pour Résoudre le Conflit dans le Lieu de travail (document en anglais).. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Février 2013  •  254 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 256 Vues

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I am going to present you the video.

In the first time i would make a small introduction, then i would speak conflicts in the workplace and to finish, i would speak solutions for solve them.

I. Introduction

The title of the video is "Communication Strategies for Resolving Conflict in the Workplace ". The situation takes place during a conference (an exposition) to Nevada (USA), more precisely to Las Vegas in 2011 (two thousand and eleven). It is an interview between two actors, the journalist Miss Meyer and Diane Adalbert, consulting in the workplace. The video deals with Adecco TV and the conflicts and strategies for resolving conflicts in the workplace. The slogan of ADECCO is " Better work better life " which indicates the functioning of ADECCO and which shows that the company tries to make better work environment to have a good public image and a better productivity of the employees.

II. Conflict

The conflicts in company make 3 victims: employees, manager and the company.

In the first time, the employees:

The employees are confronted to the problems on their workplace which make difficult the execution of their work. The conflicts are create, for example because some employees gossip on the others employees. Indeed, the presence of tensions in the workteam are source of health problems like stress, depression… and bad work environment or lose of morale. Diane Adalbert, manager of ADECCO dit que 60 à 80 % des problèmes rencontrés au travail sont dû aux conflits entre les salariés. The manager intervenes as mediator for resolve this conflicts.


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