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Progrès technologiques ( en anglais)

Documents Gratuits : Progrès technologiques ( en anglais). Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Mai 2015  •  811 Mots (4 Pages)  •  836 Vues

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Idea of progress

I am going to talk about the idea of Progress. First of all I would like to give a definition of this notion : The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change like a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place.

What effect does this progress have on our society? Does it have a positive or a negative effect?

I – Scientific progress

For hundreds of years, research and experiences of many scientists has result in medical advances.

First there is the method of designer baby. This technique is a good thing for parents who can't have children. However this technique is also use to save a first sick child. It enables to save human lives for ill people who are condemned as Jamie who has save her brother with stem cells from the umbilical cord in the text "Saviour sibling". But this has also many drawbacks. For example Anna, in the text "Designer baby” went to see a lawyer because she refused to give her sister a kidney even if she will die. She thinks that will never stop. The opinion of the two authors is opposite.

So it is obviously an advance and human beings must always go forward in medical research.

Then there is the embryo screening technology called PGD explains in the text "A boy or a girl”. She allows to diagnose genetic diseases. Today 70% of the foetal abnormalities are detected during the pregnancy whereas 25 years ago, only 16% were.

She also allows to choose the sex of a baby. It could be dangerous for the balance of humankind. There is the risk of not having enough potential mothers for the survival of mankind, as it is the case in India with the text "India's girls go missing".

As a conclusion, PGD is likely to be an advance, but to be used cautiously because it could be easy not to prevent the pernicious effects.

II – Technological progress

During many years, research and experiences of many scientists has result in technology advances.

I take for example Internet. It was created in the seventies and has revolutionized the world. Almost everything we do in our life today, from communication, study, work and leisure, needs the Internet. It is fast and simple to use.

Now we have also Internet on our phones. So we have Internet everywhere and not just to house. What is more, most of the world's Internet users believe Internet access is a basic human right. This is according to a new poll conducted for the BBC. Over 75% of Japanese, Mexican, and Russian people said they could not live without it.

However The New York Times has reported on a problem that many of us have but are not aware of Internet addiction. There are many drawbacks because technology is changing people. People become more forgetful and impatient. Then they check their e-mail, Facebook... before doing other things. They say "just a few minutes" when someone calls them. More and more, life is resembling at a "chat room".

So Internet cans negatively affecting our real life relationships.



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