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Presidential Inaugural Speech (Utopia) LLCE

Discours : Presidential Inaugural Speech (Utopia) LLCE. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Juin 2021  •  Discours  •  370 Mots (2 Pages)  •  327 Vues

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ROZBORSKI Tatiana        1ERE2        08/03/2021

Presidential Inaugural Speech

Dear citizen of Libria. On this new day and before anything else, I want to greet you, each one of you all, as you let me hold my own voice and as the voice of the whole country. Thank you.
Today, we are standing all united to celebrate our very existence as individual human beings, thus as a one and only community, Librians. We fought, against all odds, the one we used to call “Father”, holder of our mind and all our liberties. We fought, against the terror and the fear, against the manipulation and all the lies. And, beyond greed and power, we are finally all equal and free.

Humanity holds on what we used to cure with the Prozium as we considered it as a sickness, the supposedly embodiment of war and hate and animosity; our emotions and feelings. Which are in reality and since the very beginning of our being, the pillar of all bonds between the humankind.

Hate, rage, fear, sadness, shame, doubt, dullness, envy, powerlessness. These certain emotions that we can not avoid to feel as they are in the depth of our very humans’ guts, were used to be taught as things disturbing our inner peace. Which it’s true. But without any of them, without the existence of any negativity in life how can we allow ourselves to feel the other side of the spectrum? We have been obligated to supress them, and then, nothing remained into our own nature.
Libria, being at peace is not the same thing as being lifeless.

Conditioned to not feel anything, it was the first mistake. We lost our humanity. We lost our bonds and our own individual nature to the cupidity of Father, he was a man full of avidity for the power and control.
Dear citizen, I am a free man and we are all equal. I will lead Libria to the peace we are searching for.

Hope, joy, pride, gratitude, love, happiness, relief. All of these emotions we are feeling during this anticipated day, become immeasurable bridges that bring us all together towards the bright future.

Dear friends, allow ourselves to be humans.


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