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Pourquoi les piercings et le tatouage ont-ils du succès? (document en anglais)

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Par   •  10 Mai 2014  •  Commentaire de texte  •  272 Mots (2 Pages)  •  915 Vues

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Everywhere you go, many people have piercings or tattoo’s. It’s the new fashion of this time. Tattoo’s and piercings have a lot of success. This fashion is spreading rapidly in all countries. But they have their dangers and disadvantages. It’s that point I’m going to speak about.

My first question would be: Why are the piercings and tattoo’s successful?

For the three most important dimensions (Beauty, Society, Health) they are mostly used for fashion. People use piercings to express their personality or to do the same as friends. Then, some people want to show they belong to a group, a tribe, or to show they follow customs, traditions. Or just because they simply like that.

But they have their dangers and disadvantages. Firstly, concerning aesthetics, when you see a person in the street with many piercings or tattoo’s it isn’t so beautiful. Moreover, it isn’t beautiful on everybody.

Secondly, about the social dimension, a person may have difficulty in finding a job. The piercings can give a wrong image of the person. The employer may be afraid of him. Moreover, for young people piercings are not always allowed at school. The principal may prohibit these piercings.

Thirdly, concerning the medical dimension, if the piercer is not serious a person can have a lot of medical problems ! For instance, serious infections can cause gangrene. Finally, for my part, I think the greatest danger is being contaminated by AIDS if the piercer does not properly clean his instruments.

In conclusion, piercings and tattoo’s are fashionable but it’s important not to forget about all the disadvantages and the dangers. We must think seriously before having a piercing or a tattoo.


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